What Black Means to Me?

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more than anything you could ever imagine or believe. if you took a candle lit journey down our history's peak, you'd see how we propelled to the future. won't you follow me?

it all started before it started, the "back of the bus" party wasn't something that we saw rewarding, more so, stalling. being the only dreamer in a family full of followers would halt your reality's greatest stories, it was more than chasing stardom. in the olden times you had to stand for something right or you'd fall for what your enemies believed - it happened more than half the time. the black greats before us raised greater standards, we have poets of history in motion using their bodies in the greatest devotion. i believe it'll please our ancestors' gaze, seeing the Abloh's of today paint their brand across the white man's hand, forever. i believe it'll please our ancestors' gaze, seeing the Washington's of today paint their brand across the white man's eyes, forever. i believe it'll please our ancestors' gaze, seeing the Hendrix's of today paint their brand across the white man's ears, forever.

being black, to me, means reclaiming the labels imposed by oppressing enemies and imprinting it on them, like a defiant tattoo. that's what black means to me, what does black mean to you?

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