you say that like it means somthing!

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A man with two hook swords and mask covering his burnt face dashes away towards a green portal at lighting speed as a man wearing full black chases him with a woman in a rather seductive pink Unitard as a gaint man with Mongol armor and a skull helmet yells at a pale white man with black eye shadow "close the portal!" As the man runs to the portal he sees it fizzle and he looks back before saying "screw it!" He jumps into the portal as it closes and the skull man looks at the pale man " you fool! Now the earth reqlmers will know my plan!" The gaint stands and summons a hammer to kill the pale man but is stopped as the pale man speaks "on the contrary my emperor I could not close the portal yes but I was able to send our charred friend to the inbetwenn realms, it is safe to say he will not survive" the gaint nods in approval as he goes back to sit on his throne

Meanwhile in the streets of Japan a portal opens between a bridge stopping Traffic police run over as a man with two hook swords and a mask falls out he looks up to see the men and sighs in relief before wondering why there was no signs of a invasion but is stopped as a man with a wooden mask walks up and speaks in Japanese to him "halt! I don't know who you are but your outfit screams villian!" The masked man sighs in both relief and annoyance. On one hand he is glad he know japanese on the other he is done with these weird dressed freaks. He stands and pulls his two hook swords out "first some weird reptile guy? Then weird psycho bitch? Guy that shoots lighting out of his hands? Some giant tiger man with four arms burns my fucking body! And now you? I'm done with this weird and wacky bullshit!" He yells in Japanese with anger at the man as he spins the hook swords them before getting in a stance "prepare for a beatdown!"

The masked man spins his hook swords at the hero who looks to the officer next to him “go and keep any civilians away from this area!” The officer nods and runs off with his partner as the hero kamui Woods looks at the masked man. As the two size each other up the hero uses his quirk and tries to restrain the masked man but the man dashes away like the wind and shoulder bashes him into the ground surprising both as the masked man looks at himself in shock “woah! Must be that outworld magic kano was on about!” Taking the villain's surprise to his use he summoned more branches and grabbed the villain only for the two hook swords to spin like buzzsaws and cut the villain free and the man chuckled in amusement “im gonna get used to this real fast!” The hero growls and stands as he speaks in confidence to the villain as the news teams arrive and watch “stand down villain! Or face justice!” the masked man growls as he spins his hook swords “yeah? Says who?” the hero stands tall as he gets into an stance “i'm the hero kamui woods and i will stop you villain!” the masked man chuckles as he gets into a stance as well “you say that like it means something!” the two charge each other and the hero uses his quirk to try and restrain him only for the villain to speed past the branches or use his hook swords to cut them away the fight goes on for a while and kamui is about to fall back but a knee to his jaw knocks him out as the villian stands over him and chuckles “you really are a nobody huh?” The villain was about to walk away but a buff man lands as he chuckles “have no fear! Because I AM HERE!” The villain falls back and lands on his ass and he looks up to the smiling giant and he sighs and raises his hands “evan i know im beat” the hero laughs as the police come over and put the masked man in cuffs before taking him to the police station.

Later the masked man sits in the interrogation room with the police on the other side of the door when they walk in and the lead detective walks in to see the man out of cuffs, his feet on the table and arms behind his head and he sees them and sits properly. The second officer was about to speak but is interrupted by the detective who sits down and says “I assume you're going to cooperate?” the man nods and the detective sighs in relief thanking his quirk as he asks the man mre questions “okay first what's your name sir?” the man speaks “kabal” the detective nods and continues “and where are you from?” “not entirely sure myself. I was an orphan for a while and the only name they had for me was kabal since it's the only word the box they found me in had on it” the man nods “and what is your occupation?” kabal looks at him and speaks “I was a cop I think I still am kinda but i'm not sure I was abducted by my old boss who put this mask on me to keep me alive so I could be apart of his gang again but I refused and discover I was in outworld so I tried to escape but I somehow ended up here in japan” the detective was about to speak but was interrupted by kabal “say um is the invasion over?” the detective looks at him confused “what invasion?” kabal looks at him, his expression hidden by his mask “what year is it?” the detective looks confused but answers “2111?” kabal looks down before standing and pacing back and forth as the detective sensing his distress speaks “sir? Are you okay?” kabal turns and yells at the top of his lungs but in the process hurts himself “NO I'M NOT OKAY! I JUST FOUND OUT THAT IT'S BEEN A DECADE SINCE THE InVa-” kabal stops as he coughs in a disgusting manner his mask shooting blood out of its gaps and him falling to his knees. The detective walks over and helps him to the seat and he speaks to the man “what do you mean a decade?” kabal coughs and gasps a bit before breathing in his robotic manner again “i'm from the past is what i mean”

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