this is where you fall down!

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The streets were filled with people as a man with a blue jacket and no shirt under it walks around with shades and brown hair until an explosion occurs and the man smiles as he walks over to see a man with muscles about to crush a pair of strange dressed people but he's hit by a green orb as he is pushed back and he looks up to see a man with his leg in the air as if he just performed a kick as it glows green until he lowers the leg and he smirks as he walks over and smiles as he stands tall and the muscle man growls “who the hell are you?” the man smiles as he looks at the muscle man “heh names johnny cage! But more importantly!” he kicks and slides over to the muscle man with a green glow and knocks him into a car “this is where you fall down!” cage says as he lowers his foot and he starts to hop like a boxer as he circles around the muscle man who growls and tries to swing at cage but is dodged as he does a split and punches his balls earning a collective gasp from the men watching and a howl of pain from the man who now has no nuts as he falls over and cage spins like a breakdancer before he stands and pulls a comb out and brushes his hair while saying “money shot!” the muscle man stands with a growl as he has tears slide down his cheek and he throws a punch at johnny who doesn't have time to dodge and he blocks but the shockwave smashes his glasses and he opens his eyes and scoffs with a pissed face before looking at the man “those were five hundred dollar sunglasses asshole!” he gets in a stance and smiles “now you're gonna get caged!” the man roars and charges him but is dodged as he turns to see a green orb collide with his face and he stumbles before he opens his eyes and doesn't see cage until his shoulder is tapped and he turns to see a fist collided with his glowing green fist “here's johnny!” before his face is hit and his eye is shot out of its socket and he falls down before trying to stand but a foot pushes him down “sorry bro but your acts done!” the crowd cheers as he raises his arm and they start to chant “johnny! johnny! Johnny!” he smiles as they chant before he pulls out a pair of sunglasses and slides them on “and cut!” a gust of wind is felt as johnny turns to see a man in a mask with two hook swords “johnny cage? Never thought I'd see you again!” Cage stops before he smiles and chuckles “well I'll be damned! If it isn't kabal!” the two smile as they catch up before kabal speaks “well i've gotta get you back to my boss!” kabal grabs cage and zooms off.

Several hours later, Cage is sitting in an office on a chair. “So you're saying that we won but the magic of outworld shot out and gave the next generation superpowers?” nezu nods as kabal and Stryker sit and watch “damn and I thought my powers were special!” nezu smiles before saying “well there still is mister cage! Since you never died it would seem that your powers never dispersed into another and since they originated in earthrealm they must be a natural thing so you must be one of the earliest forms of a quirk user!” Cage smiles as he leans back “now that is a good movie idea!”nezu chuckles as he slides a paper to cage “what's this my next spotlight?” nezu nods “yes it is work for me training the next generation of heroes and we will make you a hero and defender of earthrealm again!” Cage smiles as he grabs a pen “consider it your lucky day you just hired johnny cage!” 

The class of 1-A and 1-B are at the training field with the hero uniforms waiting for their new combat teacher and momoma says “where is this guy? They said he was one of the best?” As he finishes his statement the lights go out and the spotlight shines on a man in blue martial art pants and no shirt with a tattoo that says “CAGE” on his chest and brown hair with sunglasses on. The man raises his hands which have wrapping around them as chanting is heard “johnny! Johnny! Johnny!” the classes look at the man in suspense as he turns and looks at them while pushing his glasses up “you're about to get caged!” is all the man says before the lights cut back on and bakugou charges him only to be kicked back and into todoroki by the man as he slid into bakugou with a kick while glowing green. Monoma ryan forwards as tetsu tetsu ran with kirishima at the man and they try to punch him only for their fist to be grabbed as he glows green with a smirk shocking them and he jumps up with a split kicking both of them in the face before monoma grabs him and throws him back and he smirks as he copies his quirk and he glows green making the man smirk as he stands with a energetic jump and starts to hop like a boxer before monoma copies his stance and hops like a boxer as well and the two circle each other until they both kick only for their feet to collide and make a green shockwave and they smile at each other. Class 1-A watches as the two mirror each other's attacks and monoma kicks the man back as they stand before they say in unison “this is where you fall down!” The two dash and monoma swings only for the man to do a split and everything goes in slow motion for monoma as he looks down to see a fist heading towards his nuts.

Money shot!”

In unison men around the country flinched and held the nuts as all of UA heard a high pitched scream of broken manly pride before monoma is seen on the ground as the man chuckles before speaking “nice moves kid! Too bad you're not the real deal thought! Two johnnys would make for a great movie! But then again! No one can copy Johnny cage!” The class watches as the man smirks before kabal and Stryker run out and grab monoma and take him to the nurse. 

Later after the class is introduced properly to Johnny Cage the class is hyper with questions to the famous movie star. After kabal and Stryker explain the current events to him in more detail, Cage is seen with several heroes after he tells one of his stories until the rabbit hero miriko says “So you're the movie star? I doubt you're tough enough to go head to head with me!” Cage smiles as kabal and Stryker snicker as Cage stands and walks to the heroes “let's get one thing clear!” he walks to edgeshot and points at him “i'm gonna take you out!” he walks to mount lady and points at her “I'm gonna take you out!” He then walks to hawks “I'm definitely gonna take you out!” he walks to miriko leaving a confused and slightly insulted hawk “and i'm gonna take you out!.....for dinner!” He finishes with a cocky smirk making miriko blush and look away before he chuckles and walks back to the couch and he sits with a smile as the heroes stand confused,insulted and one very flustered.

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