To fast for ya?

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Kabal sits on the police station's roof as he looks out at the city taking in the information he just learned.

An hour ago kabal sits reading a book on how in the face of an invasion the worlds heroes sacrificed themselves and made a light that banished the invaders and also gave the world the power of quirks.

N\kabal looks at his hand and thinks before he hears a door behind him open and he turns to see a small rat walk up to him with a man in a gray scarf and messy hair. The rat speaks first “hello there! I am nezu, principal of the hero school UA and I have a proposition for you!” Kabal looks at him and nods, “I'm listening.” nezu smiles and continues, “You are an ex police officer, yes?” kabal nods “and a ex member of the black dragon?” kabal looks a little surprised but nods “and you are a person from before the age of quirks?” kabal nods again and nezu smiles “how would you like to be a teacher at my school?” kabal looks at him before simply saying “what?” nezu smiles as he says “your past experiences make you a perfect teacher for my students on law and redemption along with history since the past records of the invasion were lost you can help us learn more about it!” kabal thinks for a moment before nodding and he shakes nezus hand with his thumb and index finger “I'm in!” nezu smiles at kabal

Days later kabal sits in class 1-As classroom with their teacher aizawa under the desk sleeping and kabal sitting at the desk with his feet on it. As the class enters they look at kabal in wonder of his mask and who he is until a boy with blue hair and glasses walks up “excuse me sir! Remove your feet off the desk! You are shaming this school! And also who are you!” kabal sighs and puts his feet down before standing and hitting the desk causing a groan to be heard and kabal speaks “you want me to or?” the groan is heard again as aizawa stands and speaks “we are going to be your teachers for the next three years i am shota aizawa and this” aizawa motions to kabal who speaks “names kabal i'm going to be your combat and history teacher for a while” the class nods and the blue haired boy looks a little worried on how he spoke to a teacher as aizawa speaks to kabal “i'll take them you go and get there first drill ready” kabal nods as he walks out of the classroom and heads to the field.

Kabal watches as the class works on their quirk test and sighs until one student says “excuse me but what is mister kabals quirk?” before aizawa could speak kabal chuckles and stands before bringing his hook swords out and looking at aizawa “boot up the training robots” aizawa nods and activates them and they look at kabal who spins his swords and dashes at high speed taking out two before appearing in front of the last three and he taunts them “want me to slow down a little?” The robots charge him but kabal kicks one into another before hooking one's shoulders with his swords and he dashes away as the class and robots look around only for him to reappear and spin the robot on his swords before throwing it to the ground smashing it. He chuckles as he spins his swords and gets into a stance before dashing again and chopping one's head off before dodging the last robots punch and cutting its arm off before hooking its leg and dashing away at high speeds dragging it on the ground before stopping and throwing it at the the classes feet showing a burnt body missing its outer shell. Kabal chuckles as he puts his swords on his back “that fast enough for ya?” the class nods in awe at his skill making kabal laugh

Later kabal is on patrol with a new hero who acts a little shy but kabal likes her. As they patrol she rubs her arm as she speaks to him “so you're a new hero too?” kabal nods as he walks with his hook swords resting on his shoulder “yep like you im new but my past experience got me a bit of a head start!” The people they pass look at kabal in confusion as they didnt know he was a hero until they saw the new dragon hero Ryukyu with him. As they continue there patrol they hear a crash as several armed men run out of a bank and were about to get into a car until a blur passes them and the bags of money they were holding were on the ground next to a man wearing a mask and holding two hook swords who shakes his head at them “you know i expected there to be a bit more creativity today but seems like old habits die hard huh guys?” The men look at each other before pulling their guns and shooting at the man only for the bullets to be cut in the air as the man's hook swords sing a little before he chuckles and looks at them “gonna need to be faster than that!” one of the robbers try to run to the car but is knocked out by a blur as kabal dashed at him and breaking allowing the villains to see him as they try to shoot him one is hit by ryukyu as she arrived and the last two were about to shoot her but were surprised when there guns were no longer in their hands and they hear a chuckle and they turn to see kabal with there two pistols on his hook sword before he tossed them away and he looks at them before spinning his swords “to fast for ya?” the two villains raise their hands and the police run in and put the two in cuffs as the local bystanders take pictures and news teams run in to get interviews with the two and ryukyu looks flustered before kabal looks at her and puts his arm around her and said as he put up a peace sign “smile for the cameras!” she blushed but smiled as the crowd took their pictures and ryukyu looked at kabal as he laughed and she smiled with a blush.

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