new suit who dis?

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The class stands out on the viewing area for the fake city with some of the teachers and Ryukyu and miriko as they heard kabal had a surprise for them “so speedy got discharged?” miriko said and ryukyu nodded as power loader spoke “yeah and his new suit will surprise you” the heroes and class looked confused until several training robots appeared and a gust of wind appeared and the robots were soon being thrown,cut,slashed or decapitated by a unknown force until kabal appeared with a new mask and suit being a cleer upgrade from the last with his mask covering his face its eyes black with red centers and breathing tubes to a small blue machine on his chest and his suit now being a jacket with its sleeves rolled up and a green tarp over the shoulders with dune cargo pants and kombat boots with knee pads that fit his entire lower leg and a chest plate etched with silver inlays and his hair now cut to a shaggy type and  his arms being seen with a gray color with slight signs of veins that glow orange slightly (mk11) and he chuckles as he brings his hook swords out that look new and improved as he spins them and chuckles “heres johnny!” all of a sudden he dashed and ran up a building until he jumped and was free falling until his lower body made a small tornado and he floated down onto a three pointer and hooked his swords on its head and steered it into a crowd of robots and he laughed as they all fell he heard a rumbling and turned to see a zero pointer and ryukyu panicked “he's going to get hurt!” before all might could assure her she ran out and kabal sighed as he was about to dash but a massive flame hit the titan and ryukyu appeared in her dragon form and he chuckled as she shrunk down still having claws and her wings out “hey ryu!” she looks at him to see him do a little spin and opens his arms “tell me i look good!” she smiles and sighs before pointing to the zero pointer “lets deal with the walking skyscraper first speedy” kabal chuckles “alright then! You thinking what I'm thinking?” she nods “firenado?” he chuckles as he gets into a dash stance “firenado!” she smirks as she grows into her dragon form and flies up as kabal ran and dashed in a circle around the zero pointer while she shot a massive beam of fire into the vortex that began to form until she transformed with kabal running out of the now tornado of fire while they both yelled “FIRENADO!” the zero pointer started to melt and they laughed when kabal put his swords on his back before opening his arms “well may i have her royal majesty's verdict?” she chuckled with a smile before saying “you look good kabal” she said with a small blush and he chuckled before putting his arm up “super high five!” she smiled and high fived him and he put the hand down “down low!” she chuckled before doing so and he raised his arms “villains beware!” she laughed and he chuckled.

As kabal entered the viewing area with ryukyu the class went ballistic with questions especially deku as he asked if him and ryukyu were a official team and they answered there questions before the day was over and kabal went to the teacher dorm to find ryukyu waiting at his door pacing and he hid around the corner as she mumbled loud enough for him to hear. “Comeon ryu you can do this! Just knock on the door and admit it!” she kept mumbling and was about to knock until kabal appeared “whatcha doin?” she jumped with a squeak and kabal started to wheeze ryukyu was pouting as he laughed until she breathed in and kabal looked at her “kabal! I need to get something off my chest!” he looks at her and nods “im all ears” she nods before hesitating “i…..i….I LIKE YOU!” she said as she was bright pink and kabal stood there quite and she started to panic “oh no! I knew it! You didn't like me! I'm sorry! Can we still be friends i-” before she could finish she heard a hiss as kabal took his mask off showing his face with burn marks and his eyes before he spoke in his calm and kind tone “ryu i like you to” she smiled before tearing up and she kissed him and they stayed like that for a few minutes until kabal pulled back and put his mask on taking a deep breathe “sorry i needed air!” ryukyu smiled and hugged him before saying “was mine not enough?” he chuckled and opened the door to his room “well we have all night to share~”  she giggled as they entered the room still embracing each other “lucky you~” she said before they closed the door.

The next morning ryukyu woke up with a yawn as she looked to kabal who had only a small mask that was on his mouth showing his eyes as he slept and she smiled before getting up and grabbing a shirt and putting it on realizing it was kabals and that it was greatly to big for her and she heard a knock on the door and was about to get kabal but the door opened as aizawa walked in “kabal ryukyu hasn't responded to our calls and we-” he stopped when he saw kabal in his bed with ryukyu wearing on of his shirts. Kabal opened his eyes to see Ryukyu smiling at aizawa who looked at the two with wide eyes before midnight walked in “shota did you fi-” she stopped when she saw them and squealed like a little girl “HE'S HOT!” Ryukyu growled as she grabbed kabals arm and hissed at her “back off bitch!” kabal sighed as he listened to the two girls fight.

Later kabal stood outside with a black tank top on and his regular cargo pants with knee pads and kombat boots and a red head band around his forehead with his mouth mask on showing his eyes as the class arrived and saw him mina and a few other girls squealed with pink faces at him while he chuckled “morning track stars!” The class gathered around him in their PE uniforms and listened as he spoke “Being a hero means you need to be fast! And to be fast you gotta train! But you also need some good stamina! My power means I need to be in top shape if I want to catch the bad guys so we're gonna do some basic track runs-” the class ground except deku,bakugou,lida and todoroki as he laughed and finished what he was saying”-around the school ground!” the class ground even louder as he finished and he walked to a white line “alright track stars! Keep up!” kabal jogged as the class followed and thy tried to follow but most failed not even half way through there first lap as they kept going kabal noticed that a few where still with him and he smiled when they finished the first lap and they went for the second making the rest fall except for lida,todoroki and deku when the finished the second lap he laughed as they all sat and took a drink of water from recovery girl “great work all of you! Now get some rest and drink some water!” teh class happily did so and he sat on a bench with a sigh as he let the sun hit his gray skin until class 1B arrived with vlad king “kabal i was wondering if my class could be involved!” the speed demon chuckled “sure it's their funeral!” The class looked at each other with worry before they began their first lap.

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