the dragon roars...

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As the league of villains plans for the attack on Kamino, Kano sat at the bar with his granddaughter and talked to her and her two friends “yeah! Me and himiko here are related after my son met her mother and boom she came along! And i learned that the world was screwed so i used this egg head called shang shun or something to put me in cryo! I woke up and came to find my family and train my granddaughter but my son was a real dick! So when he learned her quirk  they tried to get the good old kano blood out! But when I came along!” himiko finishes his story “he showed them why he was the leader of the black dragon!” he rustles her hair as he pours him and the burned other two a drink before the burned one called dabi spoke “so your a man out of time? Like kabal?” kano stops and looks at him “yeah i actually knew kabal…used to be my right hand man in the black dragon till he went clean and joined the force! Not surprised he became a hero!” dabi nods before saying “i had a run in with kabal and lets just say he got lucky…next time he won't” he said as fire erupted on his hand and kano smiled before the man called twice spoke “Yeah! We're gonna kill him!” then he turns like he's talking to someone “no we won't!” he then turns to the right and says again “yes we will!” Kano thinks for a moment seeing dabi and twice are almost like two certain people and Kano gets an idea.

Twice is arguing with himself as usual until a gong is heard and he looks to see kano holding a amulet and he smiles as he tosses it and twice instinctively catch it before is glows green and fuses into his chest but twice doesn't scream he rather welcomes the amulet like it was meant to be there and he smiles before his cloths burn and a red curtain shoots at him before wrapping around him and a minute passes before the curtain drops and twice stands with a black coat with red outlines and a hood and face cover but his eyes remain uncovered and they glow green with a smoky haze escaping them before toga and dabi look in awe at him as he starts to float in the air and he speaks but his voice is almost as if thousands are speaking as well “we have returned…”

Meanwhile stryker is in a kamino with cage as they walk around but stryker sees a car blocking a fire hydrant and he gets out a notepad making johnny sigh “dude! We're heroes! let the cops handle that!” Stryker ignores him as he writes the ticket and a man walks out of a coffee shop seeing this and he yells “hey! I was gone for a minute!” stryker speaks not looking away from his notepad “sir you still parked in front of a fire hydrant when you could have parked a few spaces up” the man growls before yelling at him and stryker nods and finishes his ticket and holds it out to the man “this is a warning. If i or any other officer sees you do this again you will be fined” he walks off as the man growls and johnny looks at him “a warning?” stryker smiles “im feeling nice today”

Shigiraki looks at the man that was twice floating in the air looking out the window “so this is twice?” he asks kano who nods before the man turns “we. are. Ermac.” The man floats down and waves his hands in a circle making a green aura escape them “our souls were joined together but when the explosion caused by raiden and shinnok occurred we were separated and a large portion was put in this man as an infant causing his quirk to combine with us. Now kano has used the amulet to recombine us! And we see your master. All for one. He is worthy to be our master so we pledge loyalty to him!” a screen appears and from it a man with a burnt face appears “good! Very good! I look forward to seeing you in action Ermac!” the man says and shigaraki bows as does Ermac and he says “we will forever serve you our master” the man smiles before speaking “good! Ermac, I want you to lead an attack on kamino. Since stain is unwilling to serve us we will make the public think he is! since if he is with us…” kano finishes what he was going to say “then the fan wagon will come runnin!” all for one nods at this and Ermac stands “i will not fail!” shigaraki looks up “and me my master?” all for one looks at him “stay hidden my student. You will be the face of our league and we cannot lose you” the boy nods before kano wraps his arm around Ermac “alright mate! Let's get you to your army!” He takes him to a backroom where Ermac sees several nomus exercising but the one that catches his eye is the one with a ponytail and four arms.

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