Fire & Ice

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As dabi opens his eyes he sees he's in a new place and he looks around until he sees a man with weird clothes on and two swords on his back before he speaks “who are you?” The man doesnt turn to look at dabi but speaks “i am hanzo hisashi” dabi stands and feels his body and he sees his burns are gone “what happened?” The man stands and walks to him “your body was broken so i took you and healed you so you can learn to control your power” dabi looked at the man for a moment before he spoke “my power?” the man nodded as he stood “your family has my blood” he walks to the door and dabi stands and follows him until the man opens the door and he sees a village of people all with yellow robes like the man “you are shirai ryu…a clan of ninja who swore to protect the innocent and bring vengeance upon the guilty” the scene all of a sudden erupts in fire and smoke as man in blue robes massacre the village. “Until we were killed and murdered by our rivals” in the fire the body of a child and woman sit in front of a man with yellow robes and a ponytail as the man screams at a blue robed ninja “i'll kill you!” the ninja holds his hand out “you first” he makes an icicle and peireces the man's skull. Dabi then watches as the scene shows hanzo ripping the head of the blue ninja off with his spine attached as he roars in victory. Hanzo looks at dabi “your father has brought my name shame” the ninja hands him a kunai with a chain attached to it “restore the honor we deserve”

Later dabi arrives at the bar and walks in with a huff and the others see his scars gone and are about to speak but he looks at kano and says “what do you know of scorpion?” Kano smiles as he stands, “let's get you an outfit mate!” 

Sub-zero stands at a shrine where his clans insignia lies and he bows before he hears a snap and a chain he turns and catches a kunai before he pulls and a ninja in yellow robes with a golden mask and japanese top knot on his head jumps out before pulling the chain back to him and the two stare at each other before sub-zero gets in a stance “shirai ryu dog!” the ninja growls before pulling a katana out “lin kuei scum!” The two circle each other until the yellow ninja teleports with fire and sub zero turns and makes an ice sword blocking a sword and the two lock blades before the ninja jumps back and sub zero speaks “who are you dog?” The ninja holds his kunai like a knife. “I am scorpion! Vengeance will be mine scum!” scorpion and sub-zero charge and start to duel each other until subzero makes a ice club and hits scorpion in the face before grabbing him “you are only a cheap knock off of the original” before he could continue he is grabbed by scorpion and teleported to the city where he is thrown into the streets and the two stand as sub zero makes a ice ball and scorpion sets himself ablaze showing a burning skull and the two hear a voice “round one. FIGHT!” the two dash and engage in hand to hand before sub zero blocks a punch and grabs him before making two axes and shoving them in the ninjas shoulders before jumping on them and jumping back while kicking the ninjas head and shoving him to the ground before he stands and roars dashing like a demon and going through the cryomancer burning his soul before grabbing his neck and standing tall before he burns him all while saying “i have you know!” he makes a small explosion in his hands with hellfire and shoots the blue ninja back before he throws his chained kunai and as soon as the cryomancer stood his back was hit with it and the crowd watching heard a yell “GET OVER HERE!” The ninja was dragged back before thrown in the air with an uppercut and as he fell the yellow hellspawn teleported over him and landed on his back pushing him into the ground before jumping back and pointing at the ninja as he stood “you will suffer!” he pulled his hand into his chest with fire and got into his stance and the voice spoke “round two. FIGHT!” scorpion dashed with fire but sub zero slides on ice throwing the wraith into the air and grabbing his foot before making a wall of ice and throwing him into it before punching him throw the wall and he stands looking at the wraith before he sees him teleport and his back is slashed with a katana before he is kicked back and a chain is heard before scorpion death spins his kunai slashing the blue ninja before he is kicked back and he growls before standing and waving his arms making a ring of ice shooting it at the ninja who blocks it but he is then hin by an ice ball before hi is grabbed and thrown back before shattering and he sees several ice shards fly and hit him before he teleports expecting to counter the cryomancer bt instead he sees two ice axes hit his gut and knock him back before he sees the axes hit his sides and his blood freezes as it leaves his body before he is kicked back and a large ice ax chops into his skull before the cryomancer slides back with his ice slide using the two smaller axes to hook the bigger and drag the ninja with him as he jumps into the air and throws the ninja into the floor shattering the ice constructs and the crowd watches as the cryomacer was walking away thinking he won until they hear a groan and the yellow ninja stands shocking everyone and the cryomancer makes a small ice ball and growls before speaking “i will end you!” the announcer voice speaks again “final round. FIGHT!” the two dash and trade blows until sub zero jumps but scorpion jumps into the air and grabs him spinning him around with flames before landing and planting his sword into his shoulder and ripping it out and jumping back getting into a stance as the blue ninja stands and forms a ice sword and the two duel each other until they jump back and all of a sudden the two shoot a energy out as subzeros blue energy forms a man in black and blue who roars as he charges at scorpions who yellow aura forms a man in black and yellow with a similar outfit like the other kombatant almost like its a klassic. As the two spirits of ice and fire collide the other two collide and wrestle before the spirits speak to each other “you will burn for what you did kuai liang!” the blue spirit scoffs before saying “your corpse will be ice cold hanzo!” as the two spirits wrestle they are pushed back as a presence hist both of their students and a vortex is shown until it stops showing kabal who has his hands out between both fire and ice as he punches both of them and they fall back before the two stare at the hero and scorpion vanishes in flame with his spirit and sub-zero vanishes as well with a smoke bomb.

Scorpion appears in the bar of the league of villains where he removes his mask and shows dabi as he walks to his room and rests wondering how he can kill sub-zero.

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