not again!

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A month later kabal walks around the streets with his friend ryukyu after their first debut they found that they worked well together and liked it so they became a team of sorts and so they crowd would always say that they were a couple always making ryukyu blush and kabal go silent. Today the two were just finishing an arrest and kabal put his hook swords on his back as a kid ran up and jumped up and down “MISTER KABAL PLEASE SIGN MY POSTER!” kabal chuckled as he kneeled down and pat the kids head before nodding as the mother ran over and apologized for her son only for kabal to shake his hand as he signed the boys poster and the boy squealed in joy before hugging kabal and running off making the speed demon chuckle unknown to him his friend watched in joy at the man as she thought about him she suddenly blushed when she heard a voice tease her “so the rumors are true~” the dragon hero turned to see the rabbit hero smiling while eating a carrot “what no i mean yes we're friends but were not um” before she could finish kabal walked over and chuckled at her “what's got you flustered this time ryu?” miriko smirks at the nickname kabal gave her friend and Ryukyu blushes at the name before speaking to kabal “I said don't call me that in public!” kabal chuckles before looking at his watch “aw crap i gotta go! I'm gonna be late!” kabal dashed away at high speeds leaving the two heroes as ryukyu blushed again. 

Kabal dashed into the class as they were about to leave and he sees them all carrying suitcases and he sighs “im not late” later the class is watching as all might explain the test and kabal sits in the viewing area watching them and he gets an evil idea.

The next team to enter was midoriya and uraraka but they were surprised to hear all might over the speakers say “villain team out! A new challenger has appeared, heroes beware!” the two walk ahead cautiously until deku stops and listens closely before shooting a gust of wind by flicking his fingers revealing kabal as he tripped and fell before standing and looking at deku “nice moves kid” deku and uraraka were shocked until deku spoke “sir? Why are you here?” kabal chuckles and draws his hook swords using one to swing the other into his hand before speaking “lesson one kid, expect the unexpected!” kabal dashes and swings at Deku but the young boy dodges and yells at Uraraka to find the bomb while he holds kabal back. As uraraka was running kabal was dashing around deku as tried to prevent him from getting past but fails when kabal trips him and chuckles before dashing away a minute later all might speaks over the speakers “uraraka is out!” deku growls and gets up before waiting and he turns in time to dodge kabals fist and trip him making kabal growl as he got up and pulled his swords out “alright no more playing!” he dashed at deku but dodged again and again making him more angry while a little impressed. As Deku dodged another swipe he jumped back and flicked his finger throwing kabal away with an air burst but was surprised when kabal spins and makes a tornado and heads toward Deku who is pulled in before being thrown into the wall. Deku looks up to see kabal with his hook sword against dekus neck “how's your day?”

Later kabal is walking the halls as he heads to the lounge room but stops when he sees his arm and he sighs before continuing on. As kabal enters the teacher lounge he sits down and looks at his arm before sighing and saying “i'm a freak” kabal then laid back on the couch and fell asleep.

Later kabal is awoken to aizawa shaking him “wake up” he groans as he looks at him “yeah?” aizawa sighs and points to the clock and kabal notices he's been asleep for a few hours and is currently late on his patrol and he curses before dashing away. 

Kabal arrives at an intersection where he sits and watches the area with fans always running up and asking for an autograph or selfie with Kabal always obliging. Later he gets a text and he looks to see ryukyu texted him he smiles and was about to respond until an explosion occurred and he ducked as rubble nearly hit him. He looked up to see a villian run away from the destruction and he texted Ryukyu what happened before he ran after the villain. As he chased him he used his speed to appear in front of him “sorry pal but terrorism and villainy ain't very fond here” the villain sighed before lifting his hand and shooting a blue flame out kabal narrowly dodges the blast before seeing the man groan as his hand steamed and the scar being very evident and kabal raised his hands trying to defuse the situation “listen pal take it from someone with experience fire doesn't mix well with wind” the man growled and shot another flare at him only for kabal to spin and make a vortex shooting it back at the man who screamed as the flames hit him and he started to scream in agony and kabal had flashbacks to when he was burned. 

Ryukyu arrives to see kabal looking as the villain burned and she ran in to help the man until a flame was shot out  from the man as he screamed and heading for her but as she thought it was about to hit kabal dashed in and pushed her out of the way and she looked up from the ground as she landed to see kabal scream as his body was being burnt to ash. Ryukyu rushed to help him as he screamed until more heroes arrived and the water hose heroes ran and shot water at kabal who now with the flames gone looked even worse.

Kabal could barely breathe. His lungs felt like they were on fire again and he looked up to a white roof as it moved and he groaned as he felt like he was on fire again. All of a sudden a face came into his view. A man wearing glasses and a face mask said “he's waking up!” kabal raised his arm to see it gray and steaming and he realized what happened and he started to panic. The man yelled as kabal felt like the air was getting thinner “he's going into shock!” another man put something over kabals face and he realized his mask was off and he started to panic even more trying to speak but the mask stopped him “sedate him!” kabal felt a pinch and he slowly felt tired until it all went black.

Ryukyu sat next to kabal as he was in a hospital bed with bandages covering his body and an oxygen mask on his face. She held his hand, tears obviously seen on her face along with bags under her eye showing she never left his side. While she sat waiting, Aizawa walked in to see her and he sighed making himself known and she turned to see him and he walked over before speaking “so what happened?” she looked back at kabal as she spoke “a villain was about to hit me with a flame attack but kabal pushed me out of the way and took the attack head on” he nodded at her before she continued “ before i knew it he was screaming as he was burning and the villain escaped and i know i should have stopped it but….i...couldn't leave him” she started to cry as she spoke “when they put him out i carried him into the ambulance sat with him as they took us to the hospital! I hugged him so hard telling him to stay! He was the only one who made me feel like I wasn't some low class hero! I couldn't lose him aizawa! I can't lose him!” she cried more as she held kabals hand “i don't know what i'd do if i lost him!” as she finished she heard a chuckle and wheeze as she looked up to see kabals eyes looking at her before she could speak he tightened his grip on her hand “lucky for you i'm a stubborn guy” he said with a cocky attitude making her smile before tears started to fall and she hugged him “kabal!” as she hugged him he chuckled and aizawa smiled at him “lucky fool” as they were enjoying the moment they later learned he would need a new suit and kabal had a idea 

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