kombatant interactions and announcement

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So i am going to make chapters 14 and 15 a two part chapter to make my work less hard in making it a one piece chapter and i've just realized i've been calling kota koda and i feel like a real idiot, future updates are gonna be slow by the way since my schools exams took alot of my energy out of me so yeah i'll probably be quite for a while but this chapters gonna be a kombatant interactions one so enjoy!

[P1 vs P2 = P1 speaks first P2 second P1 last]

Kabal vs eraser head 

“Shouldn't you be in a morgue by now?” “look whos talking” “touche” 

Kabal vs all might 

“Bunny ears!” “Their not bunny ears!” “yeah! Keep telling yourself that!”

Kabal vs endeavor 

“I have a problem” “your fuck ugly?” “now you have a problem”

Kabal vs miriko

“Is the tail real?” “why the hell would i tell you?” “i'll give you cage's number”

Kabal vs ryukyu 

“Ready babe?” “be gentle” “that's not what you said last night!” 

Kabal vs aoyomama 

“What's your name again?” “aoyomama!” “What about my mother?” 

Kabal vs bakugou 

“Kiss your mother with that mouth?” “fuck that old hag!” “and I thought I had family issues!”

Kabal vs deku

“How old are you?” “15?” “puberty didn't do shit huh?”

Kabal vs momo 

“So your hero costume…” “is there a problem with it sir?” “they allow that sorta stuff nowadays?” 

Kabal vs toga 

“What's your deal?” “Can I stab you?” “psycho bitch, got it!”

Kabal vs shigaraki

“Sup handjob!” “You're dead!” “been there, done that!” 

Kabal vs kurogiri

“Misty!” “kurogiri” “fuck face!”

Stryker vs aizawa 

“Early night?” “what's that?” “we've got work to do”

Stryker vs miriko 

“You asked him out yet?” “Did you ask burnin out?” “I was drunk!”

Stryker vs endeavor 

“You sick son of a bitch!” “careful who you're speaking to officer” “i dont give a shit! I'm bringing you in!”

Stryker vs burnin 

“So dinner at your place?” “That's what we're calling it now?” “So is that a yes or no?”

Stryker vs lida

“Police brutality coming up!” “sir! That is highly inappropriate!” “oh god…”

Stryker vs kirishima 

“think your armor can stop bullets?” “um? I don't know?” “Let's find out!”

Stryker vs denki

“I wonder if my taser will make you smarter?” “Let's find out!” “Taser! Taser! Taser!”

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