the hangover

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Stryker started to wake up and he felt a little woozy probably a hang hover if anything but as he got up he felt a warm feeling and he looked to see his shirt off and a girl with flaming green hair laying on his chest and he laid their shocked until the girl woke up and the two stared at each other before in unison they both said the most reasonable response to this situation.


The two now we're getting dressed as moe looked at the clock and saw it was early in the morning and she spoke “ok so! We know each other's names right?” stryker nods “moe” and the girl sighs in relief “and your stryker” the two smile at each other and stryker looks around and grabs his pants putting them on and he looks around “um have you seen my shirt?” Moe looks around before she feels her chest and realizes “where's my bra?” the two look at each other and blush madly until Stryker rubs the back of his head “well if you want I can make breakfast while you get into something more comfortable?” moe nods at him before she speaks “wait what about work?” stryker grabs his hat and puts it on before speaking “it's the weekend and we get the week off if we want as a reward for kamino” moe nods and as stryker leaves she gets a quick glance at his massive abs and blushes even more before trying to remember what they did and she looked to the table next to the bed and see her phone and she opens the recorder app and looks at a video and plays it for a second before a moan comes form her phone and she throws the phone away before blushing mad and saying “i knew i would save that” she gets up and gets into sweatpants and a tank top before she walks down and sees stryker cooking and he stops and places some eggs and bacon on two plates before placing them on the table and she was gonna take a seat but stryker pulls the chair out for her and she stops and looks at him with a smirk and he realizes what he did and blushes before he speaks “ma taught me to always have manners when im with a girl” moe chuckles and says “even after banging said woman?” the man blushes earning a chuckle from moe and she sits before he slides her to the tabler and she smiles and as he walks away she grabs his face and pulls him in to a kiss on the cheek making him blush more and she laughs as he sits and they eat and moe smiles before speaking “this is so good!” she said with a mouth full of eggs and bacon making stryker chuckle and they started to chat and get to know each other a bit more. 

Kabal starts to wake up and as he does he sees he’s somewhere he's never been before and as he stands and wipes his cloths and noticing a few stains on his casual outfit and he looks to see he is on a skyscraper and there is ne exit to get down which earns a “shit” form the speed demon and he pulls his phone out before calling his girlfriend and he starts with “hey babe?” the dragon hero replies in a confused tone “yes kabal?” the speed demon continues “i'm stuck on a roof somewhere in…” he looks around and sees a sign saying "mustafa “mustafa?” the dragon hero hums and says “ok well i'll get to you as soon as i can but im also somewhere called…what is this place?” a voice is heard in the distance and she returns “miami?” kabal stays silent before saying “you sure?” 

Ryukyu stands next to a US soldier and admiral as a aircraft carrier called “murica” was behind shooting fireworks making red,white and blue colors in the sky as the american flag stands tall on the pole net to her with several soldiers firing guns in the air “positive”

Meanwhile a man in a black leather trench coat and theodora with a face mask holds the hand of a little girl with a blue dress and she giggles as he raises her and puts her on his shoulders and they walk down the street until the girl sees a ice cream truck “papa! Ice cream!” the man chuckles and his voice sounds ghostly and he nods before walking over and the ice cream man sees him and the girl “hey there! What can I get you!” the man says and the leather coat man looks at the girl who is staring at the options of flavor and she points at the strawberry flair and the man chuckles before handing the ice cream man some money and he hands th man a strawberry ice cream before the girl hops down and the man hands her the ice cream and she starts to eat it and they walk off down the street and the man smiles at the girl before he hears a noise and he turns to see a trucks tire pop and it starts to speed towards the girl and the man runs before getting in front of the girl and his mask falls and shows his face as it begins to get wrapped in bandages like a mummy and he raises his hand and green energy shoots out and the truck stops mere meters away and he places it down before he grabs his theodora and puts it back on and grabbing the girls hand and walking away.

The day was young as stryker was sitting and drinking coffee with moe and they laughed as they talked together and they were having fun until a truck was about to hit a young girl and they were about to run and help but a man gets in front of the girl and his mask falls and his face looks like a corpses before black bandages wrap around his face and he stops the truck before gently placing it down and grabbing the girls hand and walking off and the two run after him.

Ermac was about to use his levitation to leave the area with his daughter but he heard steps behind them and he turned to see stryker and burnin in civilian clothes and he sighed before looking  at the girl and then stryker “please…i don't want to do this in front of my daughter” the heroes get in stances and the thousand souled man sighs before he looks at the girl “hide” the girl nods and runs off before ermac gets in a stance and his eyes glow green and his voice sounds louder with a thousand voices “your souls will be mine!” he floats in the air and grabs two dumpsters before throwing them at the two with his magic and they dodge before burnin tried to burn him but the fire is caught and thrown in the air making the outline of a dragon before dissipating and ermac floats to the ground before grabbing burnin and tossing her out of the alley and into the street and stryker growls before he pulls a baton out and starts to fight ermac in hand to hand combat and the two are evenly matched before stryker punches him in the face and the kicks him away and into the wall of the alley stryker then knocks him down and was about to put him in cuffs but the girl yells “PAPA!” stryker looks to see the girl grab two japanese fans on the ground and wave them making a small wind burst fly at him and shoot him in the air before he is hit by a green orb and ermac stands and grabs the girl smiling at her “lets go home” he says and the girl nods while hugging him tight and they walk away.

Sub zero was sitting at a pond in the mountains as the snow fell from the sky and he smiled at the sky before he hears steps and he turns to see a ninja in blue robes behind him “grandmaster your pupil is here” the ninja bows and the man nods before the ninja walks off and soon a boy with a half white and half red hair color appears and sub zero stands “it's time for instruction student”

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