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As Todoroki fights scorpion the two get in a wrestle and growl at each other before Todoroki speaks with malice “you wont hurt my friends!” “I doubt that lin kuei dog!” then scorpion kicks the blue ninja back and chuckles as he spins his spear before todoroki or tundra growls and stomps his foot making a ice spear and he grabs it before getting in a stance and the two then hear a voice “round one . . . FIGHT!”

Meanwhile in the other clearing ermac is blocking several attacks from kendo as she swing and jabs at him before activating her quirk on her fist making it grow in size and she attempts to smack him but her hand is frozen as a green aura surrounds her and ermac flicks his hand sending her flying into a tree dazing her and kendo falls to the ground weak and she tries to stand but as she opens her eyes she sees two green eyes piercing her soul and she sighs as the leather wearing spirit but as he was about to finish her he is kicked by a woman wearing cat ears and a dress with cat paws and brow hair as she gets in a stance she sees ermac stand and she uses her quirk to read his mind but his eyes glow brighter before she hears the thousands of souls in his mind and she keeps hearing their screams and roars of rage at her and she screams and falls to the ground as ermac slowly walks to her his voice louder then before “you are one” mandalay looks up in fear at the thousand man army before her as he speaks his eyes bright with green magic, his voice stronger with power and volume “we. are. Many.” 

Bakugou is thrown to the floor by kano as he laughs and steps on the blond's head keeping him on the ground “and they said you were tough!” he laughs as compress walks over “a shame really . . .” he says as he reaches for the blond but before he could use his quirk on him he is struck by lighting and sent flying to the ground and several black dragon soldiers aim their guns at the man with his hand up and straw hat slightly obscuring his eyes which glow blue and kano frowns as he steps off the blond “shit . . .” the man then steps out of the shadows showing deku in white robes with a medallion with the dragon symbol on it in his left hand “you always have been a trouble for the eldar gods kano . . .” he raises the medallion and a portal is shown before three figures walk through one is a cowboy with a leather face mask, one is a man in aztec clothing and the last is a man with jagged teeth and two blades extruding from his arms and white robes before he roars and the man in the aztec outfit speaks “kano . . . i recognize your stench” kano looks confused until he smiles and chuckles “general kotal . . . how was the torture?” the man growls as the man with jagged teeth growls “let me flay his skin master!” he says like a rabid dog to kotal who holds his hand and kano chuckles “baraka! I thought you died after shao fell!”  then kano looks at the cowboy and smiles “erron! Hows about I cut you a deal and we slaughter this lot like old times!” the cowboy grunts and places a hand on his holster “i'd rather date mileena” kano frowns at him and sighs before throwing his arms up “kill em!” The black dragon soldiers shoot at the three as Deku flys straight at kano and tackles him into a tree allowing bakugou to stand but is stopped as he hears a click and sees a black dragon grunt aim his gun at him “you stay right there!” the grunt yells but he is stabbed through the chest by baraka shooting blood on the blond before the tarkatan throws the corpse off his blades and he looks at the blond “stand and fights! Prove you are a warrior!” the blond nods and stands as baraka stabs a grunt in the neck before biting into his neck forcing a gurgled scream out of the grunt as erron slides into a grunt shooting him in the air as he goes under him before kicking anothers legs out from underneath him and shooting him in the head as he lands before he aims at the blond who raises his arms as he fires but the bullet hits a grunt behind the blond who nods at the gunslinger who nods back before a roar is heard and bakugou sees a dogpile be thorn back as kotal kahn punches several grunts before pulling a sword off his back and cleaving several in half with one swing and bakugou smiles as he runs into the fight with his hands raised and he roars in joy as he jumps with his explosions before raising his hand aimed at a group “DIE”

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29 ⏰

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