strike one!

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Kabal looked at his phone as he sat in the break room looking at the news articles. As he looks at the news he sees one that catches his eye “unknown man in police gear arresting gangs and crooks in mustafa” kabal looks at the clock and sees he has two hours before class “i've got time” kabal stands and stretches before getting in a dashing position and zooming off.

Aizawa sits in the classroom with present mic and midnight as the chat and he was about to sip his coffee but a gust of wind blows past and he looks to see his cup empty and a sticky note on the mug “went to Mustafa to investigate a lead on something P.S. Thanks for the coffee! -Kabal” aizawas eye twitches before he roars “KABAL!”

As kabal zooms around the city he stops at a dock and sees several criminals knocked out with their hands tied together and he thinks “this is a swat tactic I used…” He zooms into the docks and sees more knocked out guards. Kabal hears a struggle and looks into a warehouse to see a man in swat gear with a field cap smack a criminal in the face with a baton “police brutality coming up!” kabal smirks under his mask after hearing that and dashes in shoulder bashing a thug “never thought I'd see you again partner!” and the cop turns to look at him and they stare until the cop says “kabal?”

All might arrived at the docks with several police officers after getting an anonymous tip about a smuggling group here and they arrive at a warehouse where they hear laughing and all might looks at the officers with him “get ready!” They open the door and rush in to see kabal and a man with a swat cap on his head laughing as they sit on a crate and kabal looks at all might “oh! Hey blondie!” all might looks at him before smiling “i see the situation is handled!” the man next to kabal speaks “yeah sorry we got caught up in nostalgia and finished faster than we thought” kabal chuckles and stands “on that note! All might meet my partner and brother from another mother!” the man rolls his eyes and stands “kurtis stryker!” Stryker chuckles and holds his hand out to the hero “good to know our sacrifice kept that bastard shao khan at bay!” the number one hero chuckles and shakes his hand “i assume kabal filled you in on what happened?” Stryker nods and speaks “yes sir! Hope my efforts at keeping the peace weren't making too much trouble!” all might shakes his head “not at all! You were acting like a hero! No killing,lawful reasons and arrests! We thank you for the help!” stryker smiles at the praise and salutes before kabal speaks “so i was thinking! Why not make Stryker a hero? He's a cop like me! We've seen he's capable and he's also from the past!” all might thinks before speaking “hmm i must agree that he would be a perfect hero! Take him to nezu!” Kabal nods before looking at his partner “oh yeah! guess what I can do now!” Stryker was about to speak “wha-” a gust of wind blew and the hero heard a scream fading in the distance.

Nezu was about to sip his tea until the door slams open and kabal appears with a man physically shaking and trembling before he looks at kabal “do that again. And i will shove my baton somewhere the light doesn't shine” today is going to be a long one.

The next day a villain was holding a young girl hostage and was yelling “back up or i burn the girl!” His quirk spits acid and the young girl screams as the heroes back up and the villain smiles until something taps his shoulder and he turns to see a fist hit his face. The villain falls as the young girl looks up to see a man in a blue sweatshirt and navy blue cargo shorts with knee pads and a police cap as he shoots his pistol in the air before spinning it into the holster and he gets in a stance “it's you and me freakshow!” the villain roars as his tongue shoots at the new hero and is swiftly dodged before the hero pulls a taser out and hits his tongue and the villain screams before getting hit in the gut with a baton and he stumbles back holding his gut before looking up to see a baton and everything goes dark and he opens his eyes to see him on the ground and a pair of cuffs on his hand and mouth guard on as the new hero walks up and says “spitting? Sticking out your tongue? Bet your mama's real proud!” The heroes run over as the new hero grabs the villain and carries him to a squad car “who are you!” one said and the hero pushed the villain into the squad car before turning to the crowd “names stryker! New hero” he looks at the villain and starts to read him his rights “you have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law, you have a right to an attorney if you can not afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you, do you understand?” The crowd and heroes look at the man in awe before he puts the villain in the squad car. 

“BREAKING NEWS! A new hero has surfaced!” a picture of stryker is shown as he pushes a thug against a wall before placing cuffs on him “this new hero is becoming very popular in the police departments for his willingness to work with them and his tactics but also rising in fame in the high crime rate areas as his efforts have swiftly lowered all crime in those areas by forty percent! We also have knowledge of the speed demon hero kabal! The two heroes seem to be very close and served as police officers together in the past! Learn more after the break!” the news swiftly goes to commercial as stryker and kabal sit on the couch in kabals room sipping two beers “so? Were super cops?” kabal nods “yeah kinda like that movie johnny Cage was in” stryker nods before speaking “so you get a girlfriend yet?” kabal chuckles before proudly saying “you bet your ass!” Stryker was about to speak until the door opened and Ryukyu walked in “babe! I'm home!” She looks at the couch to see kabal in his half mask and tank top with sweatpants sitting with a man in a blue shirt and sweatpants as well “um hi?” the man said and kabal stood and walked to her “how's my queen doing?” He removes his mask and they kiss before Ryukyu says “So who's your friend?” “ah meet stryker he's been my best friend for a long while!” ryukyu nods and stryker stands “hope my boy here hasn't been causing any trouble for you!” she smiles at him “oh no he's been very kind, besides if he tries anything his leash gets tighter!” kabal was about to speak “um-” ryukyu looked at him “shut up dear the grown ups are talking” the group laughed and enjoyed the night of catching up and drinking.

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