cage match

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The day was young as kabal and Stryker were in the gym working out “so you think anyone else will appear?” Stryker says as they do push ups “maybe who knows?” as they continue their work out miriko walks in and sees them “oh hey” they say in unison to her as she walks by in her work out gear “sup” she says before stryker realizes “wait? Why are you at UA?” kabal stops his workout and stands “yeah? Are you a new teacher?” miriko stretches as she says “sorta i'm really here as an exercise coach” the two combatants look at each other “i thought that was our job?” said stryker as kabal grabbed a water bottle “well yeah but nezu said that having me was a good idea since my workouts are effective” kabal nods as stryker until looks at kabal “how the hell did you just drink?” kabal looks at his friend and was about to speak but he feels his mouth mask and looks confused before the doors to the gym open and johnny cage walks in with a tank top and sweatpants with hand wraps and he nods at the two before he winks at miriko making her blush as he stops at a sandbag and drops his bag before he stretches and kabal catches mirikos eyes wandering over to cage and he whistles at her and she blushes before turning and seeing his cheeky gaze and she growls “not a word speedy!” The man chuckles before a loud bang is heard and the sandbag is shot across the room shooting sand as it goes and the group looks to see Johnny smiling as his fist glows green.

Later class 1-B was training with kabal and miriko as they were cage walks out in a suit with shades before he sees monoma using hand to hand combat to take down a few training bots until he looks at the last one “this is where you fall down” he says before the robot falls on its back and monoma throws his arms up “where do you get these guys!” as he walks off he says to kendo “and the rest of the school says i don't know how to do this?” Cage gets a case of deja vu and he smiles before he walks to the class “not bad kids! But you gotta learn how to perform with style!” cage looks at kabal “so what do you say me and kabal here have a duel to show you guys how we kicked demon ass?” the class starts to murmur before aizawa walked out with his class in time to see the two get in fighting stances and he sighs before his class run up and watch in anticipation before johnny flexes his muscles as kabal spins his swords “what kind of name is kabal anyway?” kabal spins his swords as he gets into a stance “got a better suggestion cage?” Johnny smiles as he kisses the muscle on his arm “oh I got! From now on your new name is carlos!” he says in a stereotypical Mexican accent making kabal growl before he puts his swords on his back and the two dash at each other as they collide in a wrestle and they growl until kabal pushes him back and punches him in the face making him slide back and break his sunglasses but he smiles as he slides a new pair up using the middle finger to flip him off as well and the two get instances before a voice is heard “round 1. FIGHT!” 

Ryukyu arrives at UA to see a crowd and she walks over to see kabal and cage fighting and she was about to intervene until kabal dashes away and appears behind cage and grabbing his shoulders throwing him to the ground and johnny tries to stand but falls as kabal laughs and spins his swords “to fast for ya?” he says before johnny stands and a voice is heard “Round 2. FIGHT!” the two dahs and cage uses his slide kick as he glows green and knocks kabal back and into the air but before he can land cage shoots a green orb and shoots kabal in the air again before sliding and kicking him again and ending the combo with a nut punch “money shot!” The crowd cheers and winces before kabal stands and tosses his blade but Johnny ducks and jumps in the air with a kick in a backflip knocking kabal on the ground before he says “you just got caged!” the voice is heard again “final round. FIGHT!” kabal throws his sword and it spins like a buzzsaw but cage throws a green orb that collides with it and the two dahs at each other before they engage in a fierce battle and cage smiles before the ground around him shakes and a force shoots out blowing wind back before a song is heard and he starts to dance before kabal and he looks confused until he sees a fist hit him and he is dazed before he is grabbed by johnny who smiles as he faces him towards a camera that appeared out of nowhere and he slams kabal into it cracking the lens but still playing cage grabs it and smiles as his teeth shine into it and he looks down at kabal with it who shakes his head and tries to say no but cage slams the camera down into him and a crack i heard before johnny walks off with a smile before the voice is heard again “FINISH HIM!” johnny sees kabal stand and he smiles before charging a kick and sliding into kabal and shooting him into a car's windshield and into the driver seat as the song plays "international love" The song finishes as Cage catches a trophy and kisses it while the crowd cheers at him.

Kabal sits in a bed with his body in a cast and cage on the side snickering while stryker is trying not to laugh as ryukyu sits with kabal and comforts him “fuck you cage” kabal says as he is being pet by ryukyu which makes cage and stryker laugh until strykers radio goes off “weve got an armored truck heist! Three suspects! Heavily armed, we need heroes!” Johnny smiles before he walks off “dont worry ive got this!”  

A man shooter at the police as his friends grab cash from the back of a truck and they run off with him and they smile thinking they got away until a green orb hits one in the face and they look to see johnny cage in a dress shirt and pants with leather shoes walk up with a pair of silver lense glasses and he puts them on with a smile before pulling a jack in the box finger on them making the three growl as they aim their guns at him while a news helicopter circles them and a bystander nearby pulls there phone out to film the scene which makes cage smile as he cracks his knuckles “alright everyone places!” The men look confused as he says “lights!” The spotlight shoots at them and cage continues “camera!” The news team aims their camera at him with the local bystanders and their phones “and!” The three look to see Johnny fly at them before the man in the middle is kicked in the face and shot into a lamp pole “action!” the other two try to shoot him ones gun is knocked out of his hand and he is punched in the face as the other cocks his gun and cage smiles before the gun fires and he ducks with a split while looking at a bystander recording him and he lowers his glasses and winks at the camera “like what you see?” several women in the crowd blush as he jumps back up and backflips kicking the man in the air and he dodges a swing from the next man as he jumps back and spins before he gets into a boxers stance and hops on his feet before he dodges he swing again and he smiles as he splits and nut punches the man knocking him out before he stands and sees the next one try to shoot him but cage dodges and punches him in the face dazing him and cage grabs him and the man looks at him before cage splits ad slams the man's face into the ground and he lifts him up while still in the split showing his knocked out face and he pulls his phone out taking a picture before dropping him and standing with a smile as the crowd cheers. 

Later miriko sits with hawks at a cafe where many heroes go and they say “so let me get this straight…” hawks starts before continuing “you like mister playboy?” miriko blushes as she looks out the window and sees Cage sign a girl's notebook and take a picture with her “definitely…” she says with a smile.

Meanwhile in a bar a man with hands in his body talks to a group of people one with burn all over his body another a girl with a knife and crazy smile and the last a man with a weird mask as he talks to himself like theres multiple people in his head but they all listen as the man with hands speaks “were interested in having you three join the league so that we can get rid of the heroes that keep pestering us” the man with burns speak “like kabal?” the hand villain nods as they talk until the girl says “if it pays good we just might help you out!” as they talk a man's voice is heard, “trust me sheila the pays good!” an australian accent says as the group looks at a man's outline but what catches them off guard is the red eye before he walks out to show a man with brown hair mutton chops and no shirt with a sling on him that has a metal object with a red center and a glowing red eye before he smiles and walks up to the girl who seems to recognize him “look at you! Small and young but still making me proud!” he pushes her shoulder playfully and she smiles before she speaks “you to old man! Pushing forty but still a ripper!” she pushes his shoulder playfully and the two laugh before hugging and the girl says “good to see you again grandpa!” the man smiles as he speaks “hehe shoulda known your grandpa kano would come back!”

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