A little me time

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Kabal wakes up to his usual wake up call, his lovely dragon ryukyu on his chest snoring cutely. He smiles as he brushes hair out away from her face and she wakes up and smiles at him “what are you doing?” he chuckles as he speaks “gazing at the most beautiful woman to ever live”  the two smile and kiss each other.

Stryker wakes up and smiles as he stands and gets dressed before putting his cap on and dogtags with a smile before he grabs his badge and does a few push ups and pull ups before he walks out of his room.

Johnny Cage smiles as makes his smoothie with healthy products in it and he opens his blinds to see the sun rise and he stands in a robe and his glasses before he takes a sip of his smoothie.

Kabal walks into a club with cage,stryker and a few heroes before the head down and kabal zooms to the bar “sup dude! A round for the heroes on me!” The bartender smiles and nods before getting drinks and kabal zooms off to the dance floor where Cage break dances and Stryker does a small dance making a few giggles and kabal smiles as he dances before he and Johnny dance together in unison with slick moves making everyone cheer. As the heroes enjoy their time off, kabal zooms by them handing drinks, making a few cheers and laughs before he sits with Ryukyu and they drink together. As the party continues, the heroes drink and celebrate their victory at kamino.

Ermac is seen in his room with a young girl as he reads a fairy tale to her “and so the chosen protector of earthrealm liu kang defeated shao khan with the help of the god of thunder raiden and other heroes such as the cold sub zero, rash kung lao,childish johnny cage,professional sonya blade,humble princess kitana” the girl stops him and places her hand on the picture of the princess kitana “she's pretty” ermac nods “indeed but not as much as you my little princess” the girl giggles as she hugs her father. 

Meanwhile back at the club kabal is seen dancing with Ryukyu as the song “gravity's rainbow” by klaxons is playing and they laugh as they dance.

Dabi is seen as he sits at the shrine of the shri ryu clan as he lights incense and start to pray and his spirit hanzo hisashi appears and prays with him and as the lights go low in the forest the spirits of the clan are seen and hanzo stands as a woman and young boys ghost run and hug the man and tears fall as he embraces his lost family and dabi looks down until his mentor puts his hand on the young boys shoulder and dabi looks up to see all of the clan and his master smile at him and he stands where he is embraced by the clan and they all speak “you are family” the young boy cries and the clan hugs him as they smile but soon his tear turn into joy as he laughs and smiles.

Kabal and Ryukyu dance more and soon spin into a hug and the two laugh before kissing and soon partying more.

Stryker is seen at a table as he smiles at the heroes as they party and he takes a sip out of his beer before a girl with green fire hair walks over “not much of a party guy?” Stryker chuckles “no i'm more of a private party man” the girl smiles “yeah me too” the two look at each other and smile “kurtis stryker” he says as he holds his hand ut “moe kamiji! Or burnin '!” The two chat and the song starts to change into “shut up and dance” by walk the moon and the two smile and run down to the dance floor and they dance and as they do burnin laughs making stryker blush and she grabs his shoulders “oh~ don't you dare look back! Just keep your eyes on me!” she said and stryker smiles “you're holding back?” she smiles at his answer and she yells “shut up and dance with me!” The two laugh and dance more as they do. Stryker looks at her and thinks as the song plays what he says “this woman is my destiny~” he smiles as she dances and she stops to look at him and she smiles before saying “what's got you so stunned?” stryker smiles and he walks to her and says “you~” the girl blushes before she smiles and the two dance together more and kabal is seen at a booth with ryukyu and a few other teachers and they smile as kabal speaks “five bucks says there gonna do it” the dragon hero spits her drink out and midnight laughs while aizawa sighs and cage simply says “bet”

Meanwhile in a distant place far from earth realm and out world a portal opens and thunder strikes and a man in a bamboo hat and holding a staff stands as if he came from the thunder and he looked up to the ethereal beings before speaking “mighty elder gods! I have come to ask for your permission to earthreal a dire situation arises here and I must aid in the help of its defense!” the elder gods speak in unison “indeed it is lord raiden. But another issue is at hand. That of the portal opening and the arrival of champions thought long gone. They will be the defense” the thunder god nods and speaks “then what is my duty?” the elder gods speak again “you will go to outworld and retrive the khan and any others you see fit” the thunder god nods and he bows “at once mighty elder gods!” the man vanishes in a lightning strike and the area he stood a moment ago has electricity flow through it and the symbol of a dragon appears and a roar is heard 

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