where there is smoke...

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The students wander through a forest on their way to a camp just recently being launched off a cliff and now traversing the forest and they continue their path destroying any stone golems in their path until. 

Denki sees a golem and he smiles and charges his quirk “i got this one!” he says with a confident smirk but momo sees the golem stand like a human and she reaches for denki “kaminari wait!” but denki didn't listen and as he rushed forward he expected to hit the golem but it grabbed his fist and he looked at its face seeing a hood and rock like skin with glowing orange eyes and he was thrown back by the beast as it walked forward and showed its gear. 

The students got in a stance as its arms started to grow rocks before the beast charged forward

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The students got in a stance as its arms started to grow rocks before the beast charged forward.

Meanwhile the teachers were sitting at the camp discussing the training “so i think we should use some military training!” tiger says but before anyone could agree kabal stood and cage looked at him but before he could speak a kunai was seen and kabal pulled his sword out smacking it away before he got in a stance and scorpion appeared from the trees before smoke started to appear and materialize into a man with a gray robes and a karambit knife and the new man spun it

Meanwhile the teachers were sitting at the camp discussing the training “so i think we should use some military training!” tiger says but before anyone could agree kabal stood and cage looked at him but before he could speak a kunai was seen and k...

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 “where there is smoke there is fire!” he said and the two ninjas got in stances as kabal and the heroes did as well.

Meanwhile the students brawl the stone titan and it blocks a strike from bakugou before punching him back and it was about to stomp his head in but ice covered its back and it stumbled before flexing making stone spikes break the ice on its back and the brute turned to see todoroki with blue arms and he grows a ice mask on his face before summoning two ice axes “i will break you!” he says to the stone warrior as it raises its arms and balls them into fists making some rock shards shoot off “i will crush you!” it says before the two charge and lock arms grunting and the two wrestle each trying to overpower the other.

Meanwhile kabal pushes scorpion back and he roars as fires form around him “you will burn!” he yells but kabal spins his swords with finesse “uh huh sure pal” the two get into a stance as a voice is heard “round one: FIGHT!” the two dash and scorpion teleports behind him trying to stab kabal but he is stopped by a block before his shoulders are hooked by kabals swords and he is dashed away by the speedster before appearing behind their original positions before being thrown to the ground with a spin and he stands with a growl before demon dashing and kabal doesn't have time to react before being grabbed by the hellspawn and set ablaze “burn!” scorpion yells before making a small explosion in his hand shooting the hero back kabal stands and chuckles before he throws one of his swords and it acts like a buzzsaw and cuts the hellspawn keeping him in the air long enough for kabal to dash and hook one of his feet with a sword and throw him to the ground before allowing him to stand but get his foot hooked again and then spun in a circle while still on the ground before being thrown back but he is then hit by a nomad dash making him spin and kabal then uppercuts him before nomad dashing again with perfect timing allowing the hellspawn to be spin again before kabal walks with swagger to the dizzy hell spawn and sock him in the face and fall to the ground he then raises his arms “come on!” he walks back as the hellspawn stands before roaring “round two: FIGHT!” the two dash to each other and kabal again kombos the fool before sweeping his legs and he dashes back with a chuckle and the hellspawn growls with a stand ad he throws his kunai at him but its blocked and grabbed before he is pulled to the speedster and punched in the face breaking his mask and showing his broken nose and he tries to swing but his fist is dodged and he is socked in the face again resulting in a knockout and kabal stands above the yellow ninja “never learn will ya?” He then walks off to help cage with the other ninja. 

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