the bigger they are!

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Kabal woke up to Ryukyu running her hand along his chest and he looked at her smiling at him “morning beautiful~” she giggled before yawning “you get any sleep ryu?” kabal asked, earning a playful smirk from Ryukyu as she got on top of him “how could I when I was being passionately loved last night?” Kabal chuckled before removing his mask and kissing her.

A hour later Kabal got up and pulled the blankets over Ryukyu as she panted in ecstasy while he got dressed in his suit before heading out to the front of the school.

Later the class arrives with kabal who lets them get on the bus before aizawa looks at him “ypu coming” kabal chuckles before getting in a dash position and speaking to him “race ya!” he dashed and aizawa chuckled as they drove to the USJ.

The class arrives to see kabal and the space hero thirteen and they enter and look around in awe as they listen to thirteen's speech. As they listen, Kirishima points at the fountain “cool you even have fake villains!” The heroes turn to see the villains and one covered in hands speaks as he exits a purple mist gate with a weird bird gut and mist man “where is all might!” Before he could speak again kabal appears and shoulder bashes a villain “sorry you'll have to come back at office hours which are!” before he continues he dashes and gut punches a villain “NINE!” he dashed again and roundhouse kicked another villain “TO” he dashes a third time and upper cuts another villain “FIVE” the villains growled at him as aizawa started to take down some more villains while a few surrounded kabal and he scratched his neck “kurogiri!” The mist villain looked at the hand villain “yes young master?” the hand villain pointed at the students “separate them!” the mist villain nodded as he warped away. Kabal who now was fighting a horde of villains pulled his hook swords out and looked at aizawa “aizawa get down!” aizawa nodded and ducked as kabal threw his hook swords out and they spun cutting a few villains as they spun before returning and kabal roared as a gust of smoke shot out his mask and he dashed taking out several villains with punches or non lethal cuts.

Later kabal notices the students are missing and thirteen is wounded and he gets hit by a villain with a strength quirk who chuckled before aizawa yells “kabal stop holding back!” kabal looks at his swords before chuckling and standing tall as more villains surround him he gets in a stance “lets see what you're made off!” He dashed and hooked his swords into a villain's shoulders before spinning him and dashing away and returning behind another villain throwing the one on his swords on him and dashing into another before hooking one's leg and spinning him in a circle hitting several villains and throwing him into another villain. He chuckled and started to dash around taking down a few villains before he dashed past one spinning him like a tornado and he chuckled as he saw the villain throw up before falling down. As the fight continued aizawa saw a large villain with a bird face attempting to crush kabal “kabal look out!” kabal turns and dashed away as the hand villain laughed and said “beg for my forgiveness and I will consider sparing you!” kabal gets in a stance “i don't grovel, whimper or give a shit” the villain growls “then die fool! Nomu killed him!” The beast roared and charged but kabal dodged and cut his leg before cutting the beast more until he was grabbed and held in the air as the hand villain laughed “hahahah! you arrogant fool! The nomu was made to kill all might you can't hurt it!” kabal chuckled as he listened, making the villain speak “What's so funny?” kabal spoke as the beast tightened its grip “made? So it's not human?” the villain nods with a growl and kabal swings his swords and cuts the beast's arm off, dropping him and he stands “means no one will give a shit after i'm done with it!” kabal dashed and cuts its other arm off before he cut its chest and he hooked its leg before he dashed and dragged the nomu around the area as the students arrived to see this they see the red smear on the ground before kabal stops and throws the nomu showing its face half rubbed of with its rib cage and organs showing its guts hanging out as it flies kabal dashes backward and appeared in front of the beast and cut in an x motion splitting the thing in half before he saw its head still moving and he chuckled as he walked over and put the hook end of his sword surround the creatures neck and pulled up with a grunt as the creatures head came off and he looked around at the villains as they stared in fear before they heard a voice speak “fatality! Kabal wins! Flawless victory!” kabal chuckles as he spins his sword and opens his arms “who's next!” the villains backed away before the hand villain yelled “you….you cheated!” the villain was about to continue until kabal spoke “a volunteer? Perfect!” He dashed at the hand villain but they were quickly warped away by the mist villain narrowly missing a hook sword.

Kabal later watched as the rest of the villains were arrested as the heroes arrived and he leaned on a wall and sighed before he saw Ryukyu run up to him and he sighed as she hugged him. After she checked on him he went to UA and told nezu what happened.

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