Share a Coke with Tigerstar 2

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Fangtooth: *shaking coke so hard she's a blur*

Gingerspice: I think we should throw it at him like a bomb!!!!

Silverspark: Why don't we just give it to him kindly, I mean, it is SHARE a coke, not throw a coke!

All the clans: Are you crazy! We hate him, remember?

Blackstar: All who thinks we should throw the coke bomb say I.

Everyone but Silverspark: I!!!!!!!!!!!

Gingerspice: Follow Fangtooth!!!!!!!!!!!!

Everyone but Silverspark: yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(Later on in the forest all of the cats but Fangtooth were hiding in the trees watching)

Fangtooth: Tigerstar, My coke says to share it with you, so here. *stares at him*

Tigerstar: *stares back in shock*

Fangtooth: Come and get it!!!!!!! *Fangtooth flings the coke at Tigerstar*

Tigerstar: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Why must it end this way!!!!!!! *Explode! Die*

And that,everybody, is how Tigerstar died!

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