Tawnypelt: You wouldn't believe what I'm working on. (has a job as as a scientist)
Bramblestar: What now, I mean, no offense, you are really bad at this job.
Tawnypelt: Ha! You think I don't know that already!
Bramblestar: Whatever.
Tawnypelt: Bramblestar! Would you like to be my test cat? >:)
Bramblestar: Er...No thanks.
Tawnypelt: TOO BAD!!! *shoots a ray at him*
Bramblestar: AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! *bright light shines as he morphs into two Bramblestars.*
Bramblestar: What did you do to me!!!!!!!??????
Bramblestar 2: What did you do to me!!!!!!!!???????
Tawnypelt: Um......
Bramblestar: Can you reverse it?
Bramblestar 2: Can you reverse it?
Tawnypelt: Um....
*Both Bramblestars look at eachother with alarmed looks*
Bramblestar 2: *Grabs gun, shoots himself over and over again for the rest of the day*
Bramblestar: Good idea! *Looks around at the millions of Bramblestars*
Bramblestar100500003456000: I say we get revenge on the lady, all who agree, follow the asassin! *Grabs bb gun*
*every bramblestar follows*

SonstigesMine and others, to fill the book with AWESOMENESS! Ready to have a good laugh? What if Blackstar believed he was a She-cat? What if A coke happened to say "share a coke with Tigerstar"? What would happen if Scourge was a cop? Find out now! And ev...