Why it takes Nightstream So long in the Bathroom

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Nightstream: Uh...ya... sure, that dress looks good on you Shatteredglass, and same to you Dovewing. But...I kinda need to use the restroom. I'll be right back

Shatteredglass+Dovewing: Uh, okay.

Nightstream: I'll try to go fast *runs to the bathroom, shuts and locks door* Dum..de..dum

*A few hours later..."

Nightstream: DANCING IN THE MIRROR, SINGING IN THE SHOWER! LA DA DE, LA DA DA, LA DA DUM! *Dancing around, squirting hairspray, with her fur all poofed up*

*Another hour later*

Nightstream: Heyguys, I'm back.

Dovewing: What took you so long?

Shatteredglass: I think we can tell, LOOK AT HER CRAZY CAT FUR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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