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Lionblaze: Look, a random pool of water! *jumps in*


Cinderheart, Firestar, Shaggyfur, and Daisy.

Daisy: Look, a random pool of water! Jacoosie too!

Firestar: What are you doing in the Jacoosie, Lionblaze?

Lionblaze: Warming it up for you.....

Cinderheart: *giggles* Thanks!

*all jump in*

>>>few minutes later

Lionblaze: Well, I need to be getting out now.

Daisy: Ya, this water kinda stinks!

Lionblaze: *climbs out*

* "jets" stop working*

All: X_X

Firestar: Uhhhh....

Cinderheart: That explains the smell...

*All hop out and run away screaming*

Blackstar: Don't tell me I missed the jacoosie! *pulls out lipgloss, puts new coat of it on*

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