A Robber!!!???

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Bramblestar: Wheres my candy?

Gingerspice: The real question is, wheres my catmint?

Splatterpelt: No, the question is, where are my socks?

Cinderpelt: NO, NO, NO, wheres my phone!!??

Nightstream: SHUSH UP! Whats more important is, WHERE IS MY TEDDY BEAR!!!!!!!!

Tawnypelt: Wheres MY tv?!

Fangtooth: *opens bathroom door, peeks her head out* Uh.... wheres my underwear?


Spottedflower: Ahhhhh, this is the life. I'm wearing these soft socks, and comfy underwear, while I'm high on catmint watching TV and playing on my new iphone! Oh, and I can't forget this cute little teddy bear!

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