Farewell the sea

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Narrator: Jay

Ninjago Crystalized: episode 1

Word count: 1,7k

Warning: mild language

(In a warehouse, Miss Demeanor and a henchman discover crates of Vengestone in a truck.)

Henchman: See, is all here. Two tons of Vengestone.

Miss Demeanor: Jackpot! Woo hoo, the boss is gonna love this. Pay him, boys!

(A henchman bites a piece of Vengestone, then whistles to the other henchmen. Two exit a car with a suitcase, when shurikens land in front of them and explode.)

Miss Demeanor: What are you waiting for? Get 'em!

(The henchmen search for the attackers, but are taken out one by one. A team of five ninja leap off a crane.)

Miss Demeanor: I've been waiting for another chance against you!

(The ninja land in front of her.)

Miss Demeanor: What the ninblooey? Who are you guys?

Orange Ninja: Wherever there are criminals!

Fuchsia Ninja: Wherever there are convicts!

Teal Ninja: Wherever there are felons! You will find us! We are!

New Ninja: The New Ninja!

Miss Demeanor: Are you flippin' kidding me? I bust my butt, dedicated my life to crime, carried around a highly combustible gas tank strapped to my back, and this is the respect I get?! I don't even get the real ninja?

Teal Ninja: Look out, Orange Ninja!

Orange Ninja: Flip! Thanks for the warning, Teal Ninja!

Miss Demeanor: Teal's not even a primary color!

Pink Ninja: Ninja, charge!

Miss Demeanor: This is beneath me! I refuse to dignify your presence with combat! Send the real ninja next time! (She leaves on the truck.)

Orange Ninja: Darn! She escaped!

Teal Ninja: We'll get her next time. Remember, ninja always keep trying!

Police Commissioner: Uh, who're you guys?

Teal Ninja: We are⁠— (they strike a pose) The New Ninja! (He tries to leap to ground, but is stuck.) New Ninja! (He drops a teal smoke bomb and the team disappears.)

Police Commissioner: New Ninja? What, what happened to the old ninja?


(In the hangar bay at the Monastery, P.I.X.A.L., Zane, Cole and Morro are fixing their vehicles. A news report comes on the TV.)

Gayle Gossip: This was the scene last night, where a Vengestone smuggling operation was thwarted by a group of heroes calling themselves the "New Ninja".

Cole: What?

Gayle Gossip: Newly elected mayor Ulysses Norville Trustable issued this statement earlier today.

Ulysses: It's been a year since anyone's even seen the ninja. And frankly, whenever they do show up, they cause millions in property damage. So I say it's about time we had some new heroes. (A cat walks across his desk and he sweeps him off.) Ahem, not now, Mr. Fussly Fussly. Maybe these guys will be less destructive.

Morro: (He turns off the TV.) Less destructive? Can you believe what the Mayor just said?

Zane: Yes, and he is right. The odds of the New Ninja exceed our capacity for property damage is highly unlikely.

Ninjago Rewrite: The Crystalized heartWhere stories live. Discover now