The fifth Villian

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Narrator: Christina

Ninjago Crystalized: episode 11.

Word count: 1,7K

Warning: Nothing

(Cole, Lloyd, Jay, and Fugi-Dove are walking in the desert.)

Fugi-Dove: Jay! Jay! Jay. Jay. Jay! Jay!

Jay: WHAT?!

Fugi-Dove: If you're serious about being a criminal, you'll want a catchphrase!

Jay: Ugh. I'm not becoming a criminal!

Fugi-Dove: Like -- (He coos.) Because loud noises are distracting! Except not that, because that's mine.

Jay: How about this for a catchphrase? Leave me alone! Ugh! why can't I go with my sister?! (He catches up with Cole and Lloyd.) Are we almost at Twitchy's? I can't take this for much longer! He's driving me --

Fugi-Dove: We're a lot alike. Which is why I've decided to make you, Jay, ninja of lightning, my criminal sidekick! I even thought of a name for you.

Jay: No thanks.

Fugi-Dove: Blue Jay! Get it? Because it's a bird, like me, plus that Jay part! Blue, Jay!

Cole: That's catchy.

Jay: Ugh, don't encourage him! Christina is gonna laugh at me.

Lloyd: We'll leave you guys to discuss the details. (They run off.)

Jay: Uh, no. No you won't!

Fugi-Dove: You are now under the protective wing of Fugi-Dove, young Blue Jay! Feel the warmth of my wing. Feel it.

Jay: Ugh. Ugh.

(On police cars, Hounddog McBrag and some police officers pursue the ninja.)

Butchie: Yes, sir. Understood. Let me check on that. (to Hounddog) Sir, I got the Mayor's office on the line asking for updates.

Hounddog McBrag: Tell 'im there ain't a critter alive who can outrun old Hounddog once I got 'em set.

Butchie: So we got a lead?

Hounddog McBrag: Maybe. Only thing on the map this far is some old gas station. My bet is they're gonna head there.

Butchie: Very clever, sir. (on the phone) We're closing in on them, sir. Yes, sir. I'll keep you informed. Uh, no, sir. We won't be losing any more vehicles. You have my word on that.

(In the desert, Lloyd sees a road.)

Lloyd: A road. We're getting close to Twitchy's!

Fugi-Dove: Ah, civilization! This is the perfect time to give you your first lesson in crime. Petty vandalism! (He whips out a water bottle.)

Cole: You have water?

Fugi-Dove: Not anymore. (He pours the water on the sand.)

Cole: What are you doing?!

Fugi-Dove: What does it look like? (He throws the empty bottle on the ground.) Littering! (He coos.)

(Cole leaps after the bottle to find it empty.)

Fugi-Dove: Remember, Blue Jay! A criminal is only as good as the last crime he committed! And I have to keep my reputation up if I'm gonna join the Crystal Council.

Lloyd: What did you say?

Fugi-Dove: I said, I have to keep my reputation up. A criminal is only as good as --

Ninjago Rewrite: The Crystalized heartWhere stories live. Discover now