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Narrator: Lloyd

Ninjago Crystalized: episode 19.

Word count: 1,5k

Warning: nothing

(Atop the Crystal Island, the Overlord approaches Harumi)

Overlord: So, the ninja yet live. And now the Green Ninja has escaped.

Harumi: Forgive me, my lord.

Overlord: You should have destroyed him when you had the chance. But I see now, that you still have feelings for him.

Harumi: That's not true! I hate—

Overlord: Silence! Nevertheless, this presents an opportunity. I was trying to destroy the ninja, but that would only unleash their powers, which, in time, might find new champions. But if I corrupted them instead, then the very powers of creation would be mine!

Harumi: Then I must find a way to bring the ninja to you.

Overlord: No. I will handle that.

Harumi: How?

Overlord: I will strike at their precious city. They will do what they always do. They will come to me.

(The Crystal Island floats towards a rice farm and the villagers look up)

Villager #1: No way.

Villager #2: Look at the size of that thing.

(The ninja arrive on their vehicles)

Cole: What exactly are we looking for?

Kai: I don't know. Master Wu didn't give us much of a description.

Jay: Sure he did. He said we couldn't miss it. He said it would be obvious.

Cole: Right, but obvious to him might not be obvious to ... (Spots the Crystal Island and halts his car)

Kai: Cole!

Jay: Yeah, what's ...

Cole: Master Wu was right. It's obvious.

(The Crystal Island's mouth opens and fires Vengestone Guards at the villagers)

Jay: Are those boulders?

Kai: I don't think so. What are we waiting for? Let's roll.

Ninja: Ninja, go!

Cole: (blasts Vengestone Guards away from two villagers.) That was close! Everyone okay? (gasps.) Look out! Let's try this again. (fires at approaching Vengestone Guards) Hey! Run! Get out of here!

(Jay fires electricity at the Vengestone Guards, but it has no effect on them)

Jay: Oh, great. These jokers are made of Vengestone!

Cole: So this is what the Vengestone buyer was up to? Building a crystal army?

Kai: Not good. If Vengestone can squash out our powers, what do those crystals do?

(A Vengestone Guards march towards villagers, one of them touchs him and he turns into a crystal zombie)

Jay: Ah! It just turned him into a crystal zombie!

Cole: There's your answer.

Kai: Okay, important safety tip. Don't let those things touch you. (More Vengestone Guards comes over and tries to blast Jay.)

Cole: Look out! (Jay looks behind him and dodges the blast, but then the Vengestone warriors decided to zap another villager turning him into another crystal zombie.)

Ninjago Rewrite: The Crystalized heartWhere stories live. Discover now