Hounddog Mcbrag

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Narrator: Hounddog Mcbrag

Ninjago Crystalized: episode 9

Word count: 1,7k

Warning: mild language

(In Kryptarium Prison, the ninja are awakened by a whistle.)

Main Guard: Rise and shine! Roll out for work detail!

Jay: Ugh. Work detail?

Kai: I didn't know you had to work in jail.

Zane: It is common for prisoners to given labor, as both a means of exercise and of promoting a responsible work ethic.

Cole: Oh. Beats staying here all day.

Lloyd: And it's a chance to show we don't mean any trouble. So no powers, okay?

(The ninja board a bus. Mezmo gives Jay a threatening hiss before he moves to the back.)

Main Guard: Twelve aboard! Lock 'n' load!

Officer #2: Open the trap!

Fugi-Dove: (He jumps at Jay.) Well, well. If it isn't one my arch-nemesis, Jay! The ninja of lightning, and where is your sister Christina?

Jay: Sorry, have we met?

Fugi-Dove: Oh, you probably don't recognize me in my prison clothes. It is I, Fugi-Dove! (He coos twice.) My cry fills the night?

Main Guard: Zip it and stow it! Once a month we pick up trash along Route 22. Those who work hard, get a few hours in the sun and a nice, cold lemonade.

Cole: Mm, lemonade.

Main Guard: Those who make trouble, get nothin'. Do I make myself clear?

Cole: Crystal.

Jay: Yep.

Main Guard: Alrighty then, let's get this show on the road. Roll out!

(Fugi-Dove turns around and stares at Jay.)

Jay: Yes?

Fugi-Dove: What happened to you, Jay?

Jay: What do you mean?

Fugi-Dove: Why have you turned to a life of crime instead of your sister? And what does this mean for our long-standing rivalry? And how can we be enemies if we're both criminals? You're messing everything up! (He waves his wing in Jay's face.)

Jay: First, I'm not turning to a life of crime! Second, there is no rivalry, and third, you're weird. Stop talking to me. Christina must be lucky that she doesn't get to deal with you.

Main Guard: (He sees a vehicle blocking the road.) Slow down.

(They approach the old man next to the vehicle, who is Dareth in disguise.)

Officer #2: Now what seems to be the problem, sir?

Dareth: Ooh, what's that, young feller? I can't quite hear ya!

Officer #2: I said, what seems to be the problem, sir?

Dareth: Well, one minute she was purrin' along, and then somethin' went screwy, and she started makin' a sound, like a clunka clunka clunka. And then a sound like a chugga chugga chugga. And then she just went pow! (He falls to the ground dramatically.) And rolled to a stop!

Main Guard: Hmm. Sounds like you might have a blown piston.

Officer #2: Yeah, that'll happen if you don't change your oil regular.

Cole: That old guy reminds me of someone. Hmm.

Jay: Yeah, me too.

Fugi-Dove: You're avoiding the subject, Jay!

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