Kryptarium prison blues

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Narrator: Kai

Ninjago Crystalized: episode 8

Word count: 1,4K

Warning: nothing

(Skylor, Christina, Morro and Dareth arrive at Kryptarium Prison.)

Morro: Why are we let "Him" do the talking?

Christina: He just wants a chance to prove he's part of the time.

Dareth: Hi there. I'm here in an official capacity to see my clients for a legal consultation.

Officer: Lawyer? You look more like a second-rate karaoke club owner or something.

Christina: Maybe it's because he is the owner.

Morro: You can say that again with this silly ninja, but can you hurry up? (Dareth covered his mouth with his hand)

Dareth: I'll have you know I happen to be a first-rate owner of a second-rate karaoke club, thank you very much! Oh, and also a lawyer. (He removed his hand away from Morro's mouth to shows him his card.)

Officer: Seems to be in order.

(In the visiting room, Christina and Dareth speaks to the ninja.)

Dareth: Okay, guys. I know things look grim, but don't worry. The ol' brown ninja's got your back. I've been doing tons of research.

Christina: Um hello? I helped you out with it dude and you didn't do any research.

Jay: Sis, we get it.

Lloyd: Great! What's the plan?

Dareth: We have to file for something called a ... a ... aha! A mistrial!

Zane: We have grounds for a mistrial? What are they?

Dareth: The very real grounds that we don't like the judge's verdict.

Zane: I regret to inform you that is not grounds for a mistrial.

Dareth: Huh? It isn't?

Skylor: Sorry to pile on the bad news, but something else happened. That king you busted in Shintaro?

Jay: Vangelis?

Cole: The Skull Sorcerer?

Morro: Yeah. Last night, someone or something sprang him from prison. He disappeared.

Lloyd: The Crystal King.

Skylor: Who?

Kai: Some weirdo in a kabuki mask visited Lloyd yesterday, spouting a bunch of villain jabber.

Christina: wait, I think I know what you mean.

Jay: What do you mean sis?

Christina: When I was in my coma, I had a dream that the same person wearing that mask is coming here to the prison and helped out Vangelis escape.

Cole: That must be a vision just like Lloyd had before.

Lloyd: Yeah, but there's something else, he said someone called the Crystal King is assembling our enemies against us.

Skylor: To do what?

Lloyd: That's what we need to find out. Christina, you gotta get us out of here to investigate this.

Christina: I got it. But I need to think of something first to help you out.

Dareth: What about me?

Kai: I guess he can be a substitute?

Ninjago Rewrite: The Crystalized heartWhere stories live. Discover now