The shape of wind and water

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Narrator: Morro

Ninjago Crystalized: episode 3

Word count: 2,4K

Warning: mild language maybe.

(In the Hangar Bay, the ninja are having a discussion.)

Cole: How could anyone be moving that much Vengestone across the city?

Zane: Not by air. It would be detected by local air traffic control. Underground, perhaps?

Lloyd: I told you, the Serpentine say nothing's travelling through the unused subway tunnels. They'd know.

Christina: But it's moving somehow. We're missing something. Let's start over with what we know.

Kai: Ugh, we've been at this for hours. We're just going in circles!

Lloyd: Any ideas, Jay?

(Jay doesn't respond, focusing on glasses of water instead.)

Cole: Jay? We need you to focus up, buddy!

Kai: Ugh. Jay!

Jay: You don't have to yell. I'm right here.

Cole: Any ideas on the Vengestone? Who the buyer is? How they're moving it? Anything?

Jay: No.

Cole: We're gonna need a little more effort than that.

Jay: What's the point?

Lloyd: Excuse me?

Jay: Lloyd, you said Nya wouldn't want us to quit. That she'd kick our butts and tell us to get to work. And you're right. But you forgot something. We weren't truly a team until Nya joined. And whether we realized it or not, she was the glue that held us together.

Christina: What are you saying?

Jay: I'm saying I don't think we can do this without her.

Kai: You're acting like you're the only one who misses her. We all do. But at least the rest of us are trying to help instead of being mopey and useless!

Jay: Hey! You came to me. I didn't ask to be here!

Lloyd: We're all pretty keyed up right now. Maybe we need a break.

Jay: What's a break gonna do? We know all there is to know! The Vengestone would be spotted if it were being moved by air or through the known ... tunnel system.

Cole: Jay? You got an idea?

Kai: Or have you just totally lost it?

Jay: I ... might have something. Zane, can you pull up a map of the subway tunnels below the city?


(Underground, the ninja enter the abandoned subway N line through a manhole.)

Kai: Why are we here? We already know the Vengestone isn't being taken through the subway.

Jay: Not the active subway lines, but the N line was shut down years ago. It's abandoned!

Zane: According to zoning plans filed with the city, the N line was never completed.

Jay: What if the city stopped building the subway tunnel, but someone else finished it?

Cole: This is where the tunnel ends.

Jay: Or, does it?

Christina: Maybe this whole section of wall rotates around or something.

Zane: Scans detect no hinges or mechanisms of any kind.

Ninjago Rewrite: The Crystalized heartWhere stories live. Discover now