A painful promise

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Narrator: Christina

Ninjago Crystalized: episode 6

Word count: 1,7k

Warning: nothing I guess

(In the hangar bay, Skylor is freezing Nya.)

Wu: We're running out of time.

Skylor: Not sure how long I can keep this up!

Morro: The cooling units are pushed to their limits, but the temperature keeps rising. If she gets too warm, Nya will completely melt.

Wu: And we'll lose her forever.

P.I.X.A.L.: The ninja have acquired Aspheera's staff, but there appear to have been complications. ETA 45 minutes. We need to stall Aspheera.

Christina: Where is Aspheera?

(Aspheera wanders around the hangar bay. She presses a few buttons and reveals the hidden compartment with the Golden Weapons.)

Aspheera: The Weapons of Spinjitzu. (She reaches for them.)

Wu: Please. Don't make yourself at home.

Aspheera: Isn't it dangerous to have them so close together?

Wu: They are currently powerless. There is little risk in keeping all our eggs in one basket at this point.

Aspheera: (yawning) I wouldn't be so bored if I had some paper. I make fantastic origami. It's a hobby I picked up in prison. You know, where you sent me to rot? Where you reduced me, a sorceress and leader of armies, to folding paper into animals?

Wu: We have more pressing matters here than your arts and crafts, Aspheera.

Aspheera: Ah, yes. Your little Nya-sicle. Wish I could help, but your ninja never came back. So I'm leaving.

Wu: You agreed to save Nya by draining her powers.

Aspheera: If you brought me my staff, which you didn't. The ninja clearly failed, so time for me to sssslither on down the road.

Wu: Wait! I'm sure they'll be back soon. What will keep you here?

Aspheera: Interesting question. When I was in prison, I spent a lot of time dreaming about defeating the Treacherous Deceiver in a variety of ways. That's you. You're the Treacherous Deceiver.

Wu: I know you believe that of me.

Aspheera: Then why did you stare like you had no idea what I was talking about? Don't make me the villain.

Wu: What do you have in mind?

Aspheera: How about a series of contests? To test our strength and cunning.

Wu: With Nya in mortal danger, you expect me to --

Aspheera: Yawn. (She turns to leave.)

Wu: Very well. What kind of contests?

(In the courtyard, Aspheera and Wu lift weights.)

Aspheera: 98, 99, 100. I win!

Wu: Well. I am thousands of years old.

Aspheera: So am I. Next contest!

(In the game room, they arm wrestle. Aspheera wins.)

Aspheera: Yes! Such a Wu-ser. It's like loser but with "Wu" in it, as that's your name.

Wu: Are we done?

Aspheera: Not even close!

(Next, they play pool. Aspheera gets every ball into the nets but one. She then nudges the table to get the last one in.)

Ninjago Rewrite: The Crystalized heartWhere stories live. Discover now