Safe Haven

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Narrator: Skylor

Ninjago Crystalized: episode 25

Word count: 2,3k

Warning: nothing but singing

Song name: Mockingbird by fenekot (Christina version.)

(In the city, Kai and Cole race through the streets. A Dragonide picks up Kai's vehicle.)

Cole: I didn't know your vehicle could fly!

Kai: It can't! It can't!

(The two scream as they crash. Kai wakes up to find himself upside down.)

Kai: What? Where am I? Cole? Cole! Cole, can you hear me? (He frees himself but falls on his back.) Ouch! (He attempts to free Cole.)

Pythor: (To the Vengestone Guards) You six go that way! The rest of you, that way! Search the streets!

Kai: I know that voice. (He hears Vengestone Guards coming nearby and he hides.)

Pythor: Find the ninja! The Crystal King commands it! (Kai tries to free Cole again.)

Kai: Come on. Come on! Wake up, Cole, buddy. Not a good time for a beauty nap! (He lifts the cockpit and takes Cole's hood off for him.)

Cole: (dazed) What happened? Did we win?

Kai: Not exactly. (He picks Cole up and carries him.)

Pythor: Jackpot! Finally! (He approaches the wreckage, but the ninja are missing.) Where are they? (Kai was carrying Cole in the alley way but Cole was about to fall to the ground due to him being dazed by the crash.) Ah. They're close. I can taste them! (Kai was looking around and sees a hiding spot for him and Cole.) (In a singsong voice) Oh ninja! Where are you?

Cole: We're over here— (Kai pushes him down to keep him quiet.)

Kai: (shushes.) Are you nuts?!

Pythor: (He hears them and comes to the Alley way while Kai picks up Cole.) Come out, come out, wherever you are!

Kai: Cole. Cole, snap out of it! (He starts shaking Cole.) I could really use your help here!

Pythor: Found you. (He blocks Kai's attack with the Nunchucks of Destruction.) Oopsie. Didn't work! If only your friend were awake. Perhaps, together, the two of you might have had a fighting chance.

Skylor: Let's find out! (Skylor appears on top of a building and jumps down in front of Kai and Cole.)

Kai: Skylor? How did you...

Skylor: Hiya, hot shot. (She replicates both Kai's and Cole's powers.)

Pythor: Skylor? You're the one with the ability to...

Skylor: Yep. (She combines Fire and Earth to attack Pythor but he deflects them.)

Pythor: Impressive! But even your powers will be negated by my Vengestone soldiers! Warriors, advance!

(The Vengestone guards were about to attack them but Skylor seals the path with Earth.)

Kai: Not bad.

Skylor: It won't last for long. Come on! (They both carried Cole so they can get out of the Alley way.)

Pythor: They're getting away! Break these down! Smash them down! (To the ninja) You can run, but you can't hide! We will find you! The Crystal King sees all! He will bring devastation and ruin down upon all of — Are you still there? I've — Hello? I can't see you! Look, am I just talking to myself or what? (He sighs melodramatically.) Well, that's just rude!

Ninjago Rewrite: The Crystalized heartWhere stories live. Discover now