Dragon Form

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Narrator: Wu

Ninjago Crystalized: episode 29

Word count: 1,8k

Warning: different/bonus scenes

(Atop the Crystal Island, Lloyd and Garmadon were fighting the Overlord.)

Overlord: Did you hope to defeat me so easily? This form is but a shell. A vessel which I command, and change at will! (He uses his powers to use the crystals to transform.)

Lloyd: Harumi! Help us, please! We can defeat him together! (Harumi was thinking about it for a moment still feeling guilty after not warning him in time.)

Harumi: I'm sorry, Lloyd. The only way this will ever end is for one side of the balance to win. And you're just not strong enough.

Lloyd: You're wrong!

(The Overlord gathers crystals around him and it starts to glow.)

Garmadon: That can't be good.

(The Overlord emerges in the form of a centaur.)

Overlord: It is you who are wrong! (He blasts Lloyd's mech knocking him back then Garmadon uses destruction on the Overlord but then the Overlord blasts him back until Lloyd uses the mech to catch him and shoots missiles at the Overlord, Harumi ran and hides behind some Crystals and then the Overlord slices off the left arm of Lloyd's mech.)

Lloyd: Reroute power! Close all circuits to left arm! (The overlord hits him again on the left leg. As the Overlord was about to hit him again, Garmadon sees Lloyd in danger.)

Garmadon: No! (He flew in front of Lloyd and defends him by blasting the Overlord with destruction, Lloyd's mech is blasted off the structure with the Overlord's staff but he managed to catch himself from his fall, The two then charge forward.)

(On the ground, the heroes battle the Crystal army.)

Jay: There's too many! (They all kept fighting them but only knocks some of them back, as Cole was about to use his powers it didn't work.)

Cole: My powers. They're gone! (Jay tries to use lightning and they disappeared as well.)

Jay: Mine too!

Wu: They're getting too close! Your powers will no longer work! (A Dragonide was flying nearby and aims right at Jay.)

Nya and Christina: Look out!

(They both pushed Jay out of the way buts hits Ultra Violet, Killow sees her Crystalized in the mech but then gets hits also and gets Crystalized, P.I.X.A.L. Sees them and hears another Dragonide and hits Ronin has he gets crystalized.)

Mechanic: (To P.I.X.A.L.) The Mechanic could always use more spare parts. (All the Ninja walked backwards to the newspaper warehouse in fighting stances helpless. Suddenly, the Shintarians arrive to help.)

Cole: It's the Shintarians! (As they heard a horn Chompy flew down with Vania and the upply. On the other side, the Keepers, Zippy and the Merlopians join the fight.)

Keeper: For King Benthomaar of the Endless Sea! Charge! (The Merlopians and Keepers help them fight the guards.)

Jay: The Merlopians and the keepers! Nya, your message reached them!

(The Serpentine emerge from a manhole.)

Christina: And the Serpentine? They must've got the message.

(MiniPix Seven arrives in the Ninja Ultra Combo Mech.)

P.I.X.A.L.: MiniPix!

(More characters from past seasons arrive to help fight.)

Morro: What are they all doing here!

Ninjago Rewrite: The Crystalized heartWhere stories live. Discover now