The benefit of Grief

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Narrator: Zane

Ninjago Crystalized: episode 10.

Word count: 1,5K

Warning: Nothing

Songs in this chapter: Inner Steel

Link to the song (it's stuck in my head >.< ):

(In the desert, Kai, Christina, and Dareth are walking exhaustedly while Zane is walking normally.)

Dareth: So ... you're not ... thirsty at all?

Zane: No. Being a Nindroid is not without benefits.

Dareth: I wish I were a Nindroid.

Christina: It's best if you're not one.

(Kai spots a van driving by.)

Kai: Hey. Hey! Hey wait! Wait wait wait! Stop, stop please! Help! Help!

(The van stops and reverses to the ninja. Zane cloaks himself with his hologram.)

Sally: Hi, guys! Whatchu doing way out here?

Kai: We were, uh, camping. And we got a little lost.

Sally: Ah. How come you're dressed up like the ninja?

Dareth: We were, uh, costume camping. It's a thing. Lots of people are doing it. Anyway, yeah, we could really use a ride.

Christina: Yea it's totally a thing. (She rolled her eyes at Dareth)

Sally: Sure! Hop in.

Kai: Thanks.

(They board the van. Sally turns on the music, and Sally's song begins to play.)

Dareth: So, you don't recognize these guys?

Sally: No, why? Should I?

Kai: He's just joking. Hehahaha. (He nudges Dareth.)

Christina: Uh, so, are you moving or something, Sally?

Sally: Yep! All the way to Ninjago City! I'm gonna be a singer. I'm gonna be like, on the radio, and TV, and in concerts and stuff.

Zane: Is this one of your songs?

Sally: It sure is! What do you think?

(The song plays "Dig deep inside, and you will feel: an inner strength, an inner steel." Zane notices the lyrics.)

Dareth: Wow. You wrote that? That's great!

Sally: Thanks!

Zane: But humans are not made of steel.

Sally: Of course not, silly! It's a song, to make people feel better! Songs can help people come together and find their way. That's what I want my music to do.

Zane: That is a worthy cause.

Kai: Yeah! It's great, Sally.

Chrsitina: Agreed, It's amazing.

Sally: Oh, you all so sweet.

Zane: And who is that? (He points at a photo.)

Sally: Oh, no! (She starts crying and lets go of the wheel.)

Dareth: Oh! Look out!

Kai: Sally? What are you doing?

Zane: She has released the wheel.

Ninjago Rewrite: The Crystalized heartWhere stories live. Discover now