Darkness within

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Narrator: Lloyd

Ninjago Crystalized: episode 16.

Word count: 1,8k

Warning: a bit for swearing and singing

Song name: If Only: Reprise 1&2 (Lloyd version)

(In the Crystal Temple, Lloyd wakes up to find himself hanging from Vengestone chains.)

Lloyd: What?

Harumi: Enjoying the view?

Lloyd: (He sees the Council of the Crystal King carrying the Golden Weapons.) Weapons of Spinjitzu. How did you get those?

Harumi: Settle down, Lloyd. We have a long day ahead of us and we wouldn't want you wasting your strength. We got them from the monastery. Where else?

Lloyd: Master Wu would never hand them over without a —

Harumi: A fight? Oh yes. And what a fight it was. But in the end, your friends failed. They're gone now, like the other ninja.

Lloyd: No. You're bluffing!

Harumi: I don't bluff, Lloyd. You should know that about me by now.

Lloyd: You're lying. You're lying!

Harumi: How does it feel, to have no one left? I know that feeling well. I went through the same thing after the Great Devourer took away everything I had in this world. After I lost my parents, I felt so alone. Now it's your turn to feel that grief. You can let it overwhelm and destroy you, or you can let it harden and strengthen you, as it did me.

Lloyd: You're the reason I'm alone. You're the one who did this! Which makes you no better than the Great Devourer. And you're gonna pay, Harumi, I swear! I will make you pay!

Harumi: Ooh, there's that darkness again. Just like your father.

Lloyd: (He takes several deep breaths to calm himself.) You're wrong. I am nothing like my father.

Harumi: Mm, perhaps not. Perhaps I underestimated you. (She spins Lloyd around.) I have a ritual to prepare. It is time for the coming of the Crystal King. (Lloyd stops spinning watches the Council of the Crystal King leave and gets a flashback of him and Garmadon singing a song together and Lloyd easily remembered the Lyrics before Garmadon was evil.)

(Here's the original song and footage.)

A million thoughts in my head. Should I let my heart keep listening?
I know it's time to say goodbye. So hard to let go~.
If only I knew what my heart was telling me. Don't know what I'm feeling. Is this just a dream? Ah oh, yeah.
If only I could read the signs in front of me. I could find the way to who I'm meant to be. Ah oh, yeah. If only.
If only. (Lloyd finished singing and a tear comes out of his eyes knowing that he still loves his father.) Father...

(In the collapsed subway tunnel, the ninja take refuge under the BRTM-12.)

Jay: Zane, please tell me your communicator still works.

Zane: Unfortunately, no.

Christina: Oh, That's just great.

Cole: Couldn't this get any worse?

Kai: Don't ask that question! Every time someone asks, "Can this get worse?" It fucking gets worse! (The others looked at him.) What? I'm telling the truth.

Ninjago Rewrite: The Crystalized heartWhere stories live. Discover now