Return of the ice emperor

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Narrator: Zane

Ninjago Crystalized: episode 24

Word count: 1,8k

Warning: nothing I guess

(In the city, Garmadon emerges from the wreckage of the Destiny's Bounty, he then hears Lloyd waking up.)

Garmadon: Lloyd? Are you injured?

Lloyd: I don't ... think so.

Garmadon: Here, let me help.

Lloyd: I don't need your help.

Garmadon: You both appear to be stuck.

Lloyd: Well, I'm not! When I needed your help was when I was fighting the Overlord!

Garmadon: I told you repeatedly we had no chance of defeating him. Not until you master your Oni Form.

Lloyd: You know what? I don't want your help! Every single time I have ever relied on you, ever, you have let me down. So a big no thanks! (He does Spinjitzu and frees himself.)

Garmadon: Well, (A news paper flew on his face but he quickly took it off.) I'd have to see an itemized list of the times you're referring to, to know if that's true.

Lloyd: I don't have time for this. I have to find the others. (He then hears Christina waking up and runs over to her seeing that she's trapped underneath the wreckage.) Christina, are you okay?

Christina: I think so, help me out. (She and Lloyd tries to move all the stuff off her but it was too heavy.)

Lloyd: No use, I need more help. (He hears a bike near him and reveals to be Morro.) Morro! What are you doing here?

Morro: We heard about Ninjago city being in danger.

Garmadon: We?

Morro: By "we", I mean Me, P.I.X.A.L. and Skylor. (He sees Christina stuck under the rubble.) Christina, are you okay?

Christina: Yeah, don't worry. (She tries to lift up the rubble off her.) But can you all help me out here?

Garmadon: Alright then, on three lift it up. (Morro and Lloyd comes up next to Garmadon.) ready? One...

Morro: Two...

Lloyd: Three! (They all lift up the wreckage off of Christina and she gets up.)

Christina: Thanks guys, now what?

Lloyd: Now what, Now what? Ooh, what are we going to do!? The Overlord crystalized everything. We can't let Ninjago look like this and Our powers are still weak against the army- (Christina touched his arm to calm him down.)

Christina: Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, don't worry about our powers. (She looks at Lloyd worried.) Worry about your eyes.

Lloyd: What? We just fell off the bounty, you should see your eyes. (Morro and Garmadon sees it too.)

Morro: No, she means that yours are turning purple.

Lloyd: Purple? What are you guys talking about? (He walks near a window and sees his reflection that his eyes are flashing purple.) What?

Christina: It's because the overlord hit you on the heart, right?

Lloyd: Does it look bad? (He walks back to the others and they looked at each other not knowing what to say to him as his eyes stopped flashing purple.)

Morro: No.

Garmadon: He hesitated.

Morro: No, I didn't.

Ninjago Rewrite: The Crystalized heartWhere stories live. Discover now