Public enemies 1,2,3,4 and 5

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Narrator: Ulysses Trustable

Ninjago Crystalized: episode 5

Word Count: 2,7k

Warning: Some Singing and mild language.

Song name: it's goin down (Old Ninja vs New Ninja version)

(In his office, Mayor Trustable is directing Dwayne to adjust a portrait.)

Ulysses: A little higher, just a tad more ... a tad, no. Make it two tads. Stop! Perfect. Now let's all be quiet and gaze upon it.

(Suddenly, the phone rings. Dwayne picks it up, but is attacked by Mr. Fussly Fussly. Ulysses takes the phone.)

Ulysses: This better be an emergency!

Noble: Actually, sir, it is. Some ninja just broke into Kryptarium Prison and freed the Serpentine sorceress Aspheera.

Ulysses: Aspheera? Wait a second. Which ninja, the old ninja or the new ninja?

Noble: Neither. They're the new, new ninja.

Ulysses: What colors were they wearing?

Noble: None. Just, black. (He accidentally fires the laser.) Whoa!

Ulysses: Dull, and unimaginative. Well, whoever they are, I want them found and arrested! Now! (He slams the phone down.)


(In the hangar bay, Skylor and P.I.X.A.L. are working to keep Nya frozen.)

P.I.X.A.L.: Nya's temperature is rising. If it passes zero, she will destabilize.

Skylor: Zane's powers are wearing off!

Computer: Danger. Temperature approaching critical.

Skylor: I'm - ugh - doing everything I can.

(Just then, Zane arrives and blasts Nya with his powers, freezing her properly.)

Skylor: Zane! Thank goodness.

P.I.X.A.L.: Where are the others?

Zane: I never thought I would say this, but they are showing Aspheera around the monastery.

(At the doors, Aspheera opens them to be greeted by Wu with Morro holding the tea.)

Wu: Aspheera.

Aspheera: I always knew our paths would cross again, Wu. Little did I dream our roles would be reversed, and you would need me.

Wu: If it were up to me, Aspheera, I would not have brought you here. I warned them you could not be trusted.

Aspheera: (laughs) That's priceless. You, the betrayer, warned them about me.

Wu: But our destinies are now linked. For better, or worse. If you can help Nya, I will not stand in the way of your freedom.

Aspheera: Show her to me.

(Wu sighs, and they take her to the Hangar Bay.)

Aspheera: Hmm. Fasssscinating. What magic is this? Who did this?

Lloyd: She did it herself. She became one with the sea to save us. And we're gonna do whatever it takes to bring her back.

Aspheera: How noble. One for all and all for one. Unfortunately, I cannot help.

Wu: You can save her by removing her powers, as you once did with Kai.

(Kai looks away unhappily in the background.)

Ninjago Rewrite: The Crystalized heartWhere stories live. Discover now