Forbidden Crystal love

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Narrators: Lloyd and Harumi

Ninjago Crystalized: episode 22.

Word count: 2,0k

Warning: nothing but singing

Song name: For the first time in forever: Reprise (Lloyd and Harumi version.)

(In Ninjago City, the citizens run from the Vengestone Guards.)

Man #1: We're trapped!

Gamer 2: What do we do?

(The ninja speed through the streets in their vehicles.)

Jay: What do you say we test out this new power boost?

Cole: I was hoping you'd say that.

Kai: On three, two, one! (They activate the power boosts.) Fiyah!

(They destroy many Vengestone Guards with their vehicles.)

Jay: Everyone get inside, quick! (He drives to more Vengestone Guards along with Cole and Kai.)

Man #2: It's the old ninja!

Man #3: Oh, they're back!

Man #4: Let 'em have it, guys!

(At Kryptarium Prison, the inmates are watching Vinny's broadcast of the city.)

Inmate #1: Hey, check it out! It's the ninja!

Inmate #2: I hope they get their butts kicked.

Ronin: Show some respect.

Inmate #1: What do you care, Ronin? Those ninja threw us in here, you included!

Ronin: Maybe. But they're risking their lives. That takes guts.

Inmate #2: Let 'em, I say. If the ninja get wiped out, there'll be nobody to stop us next time.

Inmate #1: Yeah! We'll be able to steal whatever we want!

Ronin: What are you gonna steal if the whole city's obliterated, numbskull? The ninja might have busted us, but right now, they're fighting to save all Ninjago, including us. And they're not doing it for money. So the next jerk who says something bad about 'em ... gets a knuckle sandwich.

Inmate #2: Uh, yeah. Go ninja!

Inmate #1: Y—Yeah! I always said they got good hearts!

(On the Destiny's Bounty, Nya and Christina are monitoring the ninjas' vehicles.)

Nya: Jay, Cole, Kai. You're overheating your engines. You need to ease off the power boost.

Jay: Aw, man! This power boost is awesome! (Nya facepalmed.)

Christina: It won't be awesome if you blow out your engine. Ease up.

Cole: You got it. Powering down.

Kai: Affirmative.

Jay: Party pooper.

Christina: I heard that bro. (On the monitor the ninjas' vehicles engines goes down.)

Lloyd: Master Wu, is that the Golden Armor?

Christina: (Laughs) Lloyd, that's the Dragon Armor.

Lloyd: Oh, whoops. (He scratched his head due to embarrassment.)

Wu: Yes, with a few enhancements, thanks to P.I.X.A.L.. You didn't think I would sit out the most important battle of our time? A battle against the very forces of darkness?

Garmadon: Hmm. If you think the Dragon Armor will protect you from the power of the Overlord, you are mistaken.

Lloyd: Do you have anything positive to say?

Ninjago Rewrite: The Crystalized heartWhere stories live. Discover now