1. what they would do when you left the dollhouse.

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Jason: Jason would want to know if you were safe, so he would text you. Sometimes he would ask if you were alright or where you were, other times he would simply talk to you about his day or any upcoming events. You did this constantly in the first 2 weeks that you were back as he was incredibly worried, however the fear of you being taken away from him again died down over time.

You had trouble sleeping ever since you left, so every night Jason would sneak into your room and the two of you would cuddle. He would whisper soothing words into your ear until you drifted off. You knew your parents would be mad if they found Jason sleeping in your bed, so he had to sneak back out again early in the morning.

Caleb:He would take you out in order to take your mind off what happened. He made sure the two of you did a range of different things including shopping, going to the cinema and going out to eat. He understood that you didn't want to be sat at home all day, especially in your room.

Whenever you were around him he would either hold your hand or have his arm wrapped around you. When you asked him why he did that he told you that if he was touching you, he knew you were still there. You constantly reassured him that you were not going to be taken, especially when you were with him. However he refused to accept it, saying that whoever took you was still out there. You were annoyed at first, but realised that he had also suffered when you were gone.

Ezra:When you came back you thought that everything was going to go back to normal. But whenever you went out people would always stare and whisper things about you and your friends. It drove you crazy. So to help, Ezra would drive you out into the middle of nowhere and you would just sit on the hood of the car in a comfortable silence. He knew you wanted to have some peace and quiet and believe that everything was calm and secure in your life.

He would never pressure you to talk. You would tell him bits and pieces when you were ready and the rest of the time he just listened and supported you. He showed you that there were people in your life who deeply cared for you and would protect you no matter what.

Mike:At night you would sit and watch a movie together, escaping from the messed up world you were living in. he would buy lots of junk food and you would sit and laugh all night. You enjoyed spending time with him and he loved to make you smile, seeing you happy for the first time in what felt like a long time.

He also helped you redecorate your room when you got home. You couldn't stand to sleep there, everything reminded you of the dollhouse. You went out together to choose new wallpaper and furniture. It had become a shared room, a sacred space where the two of you lived. He called it a practise for when you were older and could afford to live together. He was never scared by the thought of your future, in fact he enjoyed thinking about it. He couldn't picture himself with anyone else but you.

Toby: when toby came back he noticed that you had changed. You were even more jumpy than before and you watched everyone and everything around you, like someone was about to attack you. To calm your nerves he took you to self-defence classes. You learnt how to keep yourself safe. He knew it may not be enough to stop A, but he was willing to do anything to help you.

When you were in there you thought you were going to die. The time to yourself made you think about what you had done with your life so far; even though you were young you wished you had done more. So when you got home you made a bucket list. Slowly ticking things off. You had always wanted to learn how to surf, so toby had agreed to go with you. Although you soon found out you were no good, and were extremely annoyed that he could do it almost straight away. Some of the things on your list would take time, especially your career dreams, as it would require further education.

Wren:When you came back you decided to take up a hobby. You soon found out that you were skilled at art. You would spend your free time painting and drawing. When you wanted to paint landscapes, wren would drive you to somewhere picturesque. When you wanted to draw portraits, wren was usually your subject.

Wren also acted like your chauffeur. He drove you to and from school. Whenever you had to go out he would be there as soon as possible. He didn't like the idea of you taking a taxi or getting a lift off someone he didn't really know, as you hadn't got your license yet. You would put your favourite songs on and sing at the top of your lungs, often doing duets and acting out the words.

Noel:You were taken a few weeks before the other girls, so when you came home noel was extremely relieved to have you back in his arms. He became very protective of you; when he would see you talking to another guy he would walk over and kiss you, showing the other guy that you were with him and only him. He trusted you, but the thought of losing you took over sometimes.

He started to work out more when you came back. He wanted to gain more muscle so that he could protect you, although you didn't mind as you enjoyed watching him work out. You would occasionally work out with him but that often ended in the two of you making out.

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