42- sleepover- mike imagine

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Request: hey! can you do a mike Montgomery one shot where Y/N is one of arias good friends along with the other liars, and they have a sleep over and mike is there and he tells aria that he has a huge crush on Y/N and then Y/N finds out and kisses him on the cheek before going back to arias room.

A/N: I hope this is ok x there most likely will be mistakes.... I haven't checked.

don't forget to request for characters in the 100, teen wolf and pretty little liars. ( I don't do smut though.)

It was tradition that at least once a month you went over to one of the liar's houses for a sleep over. It had started with Alison, but since she has been gone, you had been alternating between each of your houses.

You packed multiple bags for your sleep over, one filled with the normal tings you need for example a toothbrush, pyjamas etc..... Another was filled with food and various snacks for you to munch on and the last, smaller back contained some of your favourite DVD's just in case you decided to watch a film.

When you arrived at arias house she took you straight up to her room, where all the other girls were waiting. You each chose a spot on the floor, in the perfect places to talk to each other. You spend the evening talking and joking around until arias mum called you all down for dinner. When you sat down at the table you had to pull up a lot of extra chairs and there was barely any room. You thanked Mrs Montgomery and ate the delicious meal she had cooked. However you kept feeling like someone was looking at you. You looked around the table seeing various people in mid-conversation. All of them seemed too busy to notice you until your eyes landed on mike.

"Hi" you said, smiling at him. You knew he was in the house when you arrived but you hadn't seen him up until now. He looked down at his food, a small smile on his lips.

"hey." He replied. "Are you having fun?" he asked you.

"Yes I love having sleepovers with the girls. There's always a lot of talking, which tires us out. Normally when you have sleepovers you're supposed to stay up late, but we all fall asleep." You laughed. He could see the way your eyes lit up as you spoke, noticing your happiness. He didn't reply and you noticed him staring, but you just assumed he was waiting for you to say more.

"I suppose it annoys you, having all of us here." You said to him.

"n-no I like having you here. I mean... it's nice for aria. It's nice for her to have her friends over I know how much she cares for you guys." He stuttered.

"Can you hear us talking from your room?" you asked curiously, you had always wondered if he had heard your private conversations.

"No. the walls are thicker than they look." He replied. He knew he was being dishonest, because he could hear you. He could hear almost every word. But he didn't want you to talk quietly. He desperately wanted to hear his name leave your mouth.

The meal was soon over and you helped to clear the plates away before heading back up to arias room. When you got there the girls were sat gossiping but fell silent when you entered. They all looked at you with a smirk on each of their faces.

"What?" you questioned, closing the door and joining them on the floor.

"So..... You and mike." Emily whispered, teasing you.

"I don't like him." You groaned, but they all looked at you sceptically.

"Really. So who do you like y/n?" Hanna asked. You sighed and said any random name that you could think of.

"noel." You said, shouting at yourself in your mind.

"Noel Kahn?" spencer questioned. You nodded. "So why don't we set you two up." She suggested, looking at you as if she was studying an experiment.

"No. noel would never go for me. He likes aria." you defended yourself, knowing that they would accept it.

"okay." Emily said and that conversation seemed to be forgotten for most of the night. Until spencer, Hanna and Emily had fallen asleep. It was just you and aria awake and because you were right next to her bed, you were able to keep talking without waking up the other girls.

"Did you hear that?" aria asked, looking at her clock. You could see that it was late, gone midnight and you were wondering if you would be awake to see the sun rise.

"I didn't hear anything." You answered, your eyes starting to close.

"I'm going to check it out." aria said, rolling out of bed and heading out of the door. You lay there for a few minutes, then decided to go and see if she was ok. If there was a murderer in the house, you thought it would be best to help her. You stopped when you reached the door, hearing voices outside.

"So Do you like her then?" aria asked someone.

"I don't know what you mean." He defended himself. You could tell it was mike, but you had no idea who he was referring to.

"I know you like her and by the way, I approve. You two can be together."

"Thanks... I guess. But she doesn't like me. I heard what she said. She likes noel." You felt butterflies erupt in your stomach. Mike was always nice to you and you would be lying if you said you hadn't developed a crush on him.

"Forget about that. You admit that you like her?" aria asked, mocking him slightly.

"Yes fine. Now go." Before you could move out the way, the door opened. Aria smiled widely whilst mike looked like he eyes were about to pop out of his head.

"I'll leave you two alone." Aria winked as she headed back to bed. You moved to the side, and then forward towards mike, letting aria pass through.

"hi." You said.

"hey." He replied. You stood there for a second, letting what you had just heard sink in.

"So you like me then?" you asked shyly, already knowing the answer. He blushed madly, making his appearance even cuter; his hair was messy from sleeping and he was wearing his pyjamas.

"Yes. I-I have for quite a while." You found his nervousness cute and moved closer.

"I'm sorry." He muttered, his feet still glued to the same spot.

"Sorry about what?" you asked, a wave of confidence taking over you.

"About having a crush on you, I didn't want it to be awkward. I know you like noel."

"Don't worry. forget about noel. I don't like him." You smiled "I have a crush on you too." You admitted. You didn't think he could get any redder, but clearly you were wrong.

"Goodnight mike." You said, seeing him yawn.

"Uhm. G-goodnight." He replied, clearly stunned. You turned to go back inside but then changed your mind for a brief moment. You walked up to him, your lips getting closer to his. But you moved around and left a sweet kiss on his red cheeks. You could see from the look on his face that he thought you were going to kiss him.

"I'll talk to you tomorrow." You said and went back to bed before he could say anything else. You didn't hear him move for a few minutes, making you smile.

"I told you so." Emily mumbled to one of the other girls, making you roll your eyes before you finally went to sleep.

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