24- they cheat- Ezra

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Ezra would never cheat. He believed that if you were in a relationship you had to commit to that person and that person only. If there was any issues you should talk about it, instead of running into someone else's arms. And you did have problems, but you sorted it out, wanting to have a future together.

If you really loved them, cheating would never be an option. No one could compare to them. No one could compare to you. He treasured the memories you shared and knew that he should never let you go. You were too special and it was rare to have a relationship like yours, so honest and caring, no matter what.

You weren't worried about him cheating, knowing where his morals lay. Neither of you would cheat because if you did, you would lose each other forever.

You both believed that if someone cheated, you shouldn't give them another chance. If they had the capacity to cheat once then they could do it again. You were just wasting your time on a relationship that was only going to end in more heartbreak.

Even when Maggie entered your lives, you weren't worried. You knew they were only friends and nothing more now. She was his past, but you were his present and future and nobody could come between you.

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