32- surprise- Jason imagine

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A/N: I'm going away for the next two weeks, but I may be able to update at the weekend. if there's anything you'd like me to write, message me and I'll write it as soon as possible!

"What are you doing?" you asked, as Jason clammed the laptop shut.

"Nothing..." you narrowed your eyes indicating that you didn't believe him, but then you sighed. "Okay whatever." You hated it when Jason was keeping things from you, so you made it your mission to find out what it was.

"I think you left your phone in the bedroom" you stated, trying to get him to leave the room.

"I'll get it later." He replied, his hand still resting on the laptop. You rolled your eyes, knowing he wasn't going to let you see the screen. You wondered what was under it, maybe it was a good thing, a present? But it was nowhere near your birthday and there was no special occasion. That meant it was a bad thing, making you more curious.

You waited until later that night, Jason climbed into bed next to you, snuggling into you.

"Jason..." you asked, slightly guiltily.

"Yes." He was almost fast asleep, which would make your task easier.

"It's hot tonight, would you mind giving me some air and room to move?"

"Sure thing babe." You kissed him as a thank you, showing him that you weren't doing it because you were angry or upset. You closed your eyes, steadied your breathing and kept your movements to a minimal in order to create the illusion that you were sleeping. You looked over at the clock, the lamppost outside providing just the right amount of light to be able to read it. You carefully removed the covers, tiptoeing across the room and out of the door. You made your way downstairs to find the laptop.

You searched for a long time, but never managed to find it. Defeated you crept back upstairs, making sure to step on the right floorboards so that you didn't make any noise. You opened the bedroom door, Jason still asleep in his spot.

You got back into bed, pulling the cover over you, trying to move around as little as possible.

"The laptops in the wardrobe." Jason mumbled, chuckling slightly. "Ow!" he said as you playfully smacked his arm, making you both laugh.

"I hate it when you keep secrets." You admitted, wrapping your arms around each other.

"I know, but you'll find out when the time is right." He said, pecking your forehead.

The next day you were less determined to find it, but you had to know. You found the laptop sat on a table, as if it was a trap carefully lay down by a hunter, as they crouched from a distance to watch the prey. You looked into the rooms next to you, not seeing Jason.

You took this opportunity to open the desktop, going onto the internet and searching the history. But it was blank. Whatever he was on he had deleted. You knew the laptop was too easy to find and get into.

When you next sat down together you questioned him about it, but he just smirked saying he wasn't going to tell you. All your anxiousness about the situation was gone. Instead it was replaced by excitement. He clearly wasn't on the laptop for a bad reason, otherwise he would covered it up more and denied it.

Then the bell rang.

"I'll get it!" you shouted to him as he was the opposite side of the house. You opened the door to see the postman outside. Signed for a box then as he was handing it over, another pair of hands grabbed it.

"thanks." Jason said, walking into the living room. You shut the door, following him.

"What was that about?" you questioned, interested in this peculiar behaviour.

"I didn't want you to open that and not have this to see as well." He said, an envelope in his one hand. He walked out of the room for a minute, ordering you to sit and wait. You could hear him opening the box and placing the lid back on.

"Is this about the whole laptop thing" you called to him.

"yeah." He replied, walking back into the room. "here." He said, holding the one box out to you. You took it and placed it on your lap. It didn't get you long to open the box, as Jason had already opened it, but whatever it was, was covered in tissue paper.

You dug through it, desperate to see what's inside. Your fingers brushed against something smooth and cool. You looked up at him, seeing that he was observing your every move. Your gaze wandered down, finally seeing the object. It was a small glass Eiffel tower, delicately crafted and carved. You smiled at Jason.

"It's beautiful."

"I made it." He spoke, you looked at him in shock.

"You made this?" you were amazed at the level of skill that had gone into it.

"Of course, it's more special. Read it." You followed his instructions, tilting the tower so that the light hit the glass the right way.

You mumbled the words as you read them.

"Hold on, that's this summer." You said, figuring out the date that was engraved into it.

"There's something else in the box." You immediately reached down, and picked up the two pieces of paper in it.

"Were going to Paris!" you cried happily, throwing your arms around him in excitement. "Believe me Jason, I am thrilled, but why?" you asked.

"Because you've been through so much. You need a break and you weren't going to give yourself one, so I did. I got us into a riverside hotel with amazing views." He grinned. You pressed your lips against his lovingly, placing the tickets and tower carefully on the table so that you could deepen the kiss. "I personally can't wait." He said, when you both pulled away.

"Neither can I."

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