Chapter 5: Confusion

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this whole chapter is Kanjigar's P.O.V. after the previous chapter's events. And before you ask me where are Jim and Toby throughout this story don't worry those boys are doing just fine and are living average high school boy lives. (I feel so sorry for those two after all of the drama they had to go through during all of the series and the movie so I shall spare them in this fanfiction) if you guys want me to write cameos for them later on as the story progresses feel free to tell me in the comments

* English text                                                               *Trollish text


Kanjigar kept trying to slap himself awake thinking that he was just dreaming but by the time he returned to Trollmarket after his patrol he could no longer stay in denial after realizing that he was awake, Bular had just spared him. Kanjigar kept pondering what just happened when he accidently bumped into Aaarrrgghh 

" oh Aaarrrgghh forgive me my mind is in other places at the moment"  

Kanjigar apologized to Aaarrrgghh while the Krubera troll forgave him saying that he didn't mind. During this exchange Blinky noticed the look in Kanjigar's eyes and asked the Trollhunter what was bothering him.

Unbeknownst to the three Vendel was nearby and listening to them as Kanjigar retold everything that had happened. Everyone including some passers by were shocked to hear that Bular the Butcher, the vicious, the son of Gunmar the black had just spared Trollhunter's life instead of confronting him like he had done with the previous ones.

Everyone in the crowd started asking questions to Kanjigar and Vendel upon this revelation. Aaarrrgghh was lost in thought as he recalled all of his memories' of the past growing up in the Gumgum army and his time as Gunmar's general, and in every memory he had of his personal experience with Bular and none of it involved ever seeing the Gumgum prince being unmotivated to fight anyone let alone the Trollhunter.

Vendel was preoccupied trying to get the crowd to settle down while Kanjigar kept thinking about how Bular looked .........unhealthy, like he had lost sleep and stopped eating regularly. After the Vendel dispersed the crowd he asked Kanjigar to follow him to his workshop back in Heartstone to further discuss the situation away from prying eyes without interruption. As soon as Vendel made sure that there will be no more interruption's he then asked Kanjigar if he noticed anything odd about Bular other than his abnormal behavior 

" it was .... odd. Bular looked completely unhealthy, his eyes weren't glowing as bright as the last time I fought with him, he looked thinner some how ,and....   he looked as if he was getting weaker and weaker from. And I can't believe I am saying this but if i didn't know any better it looked like he hasn't eaten any human flesh for a while"

Both Vendel and Kanjigar at first laughed at the notion but the feeling of uneasiness soon returned into the atmosphere as they thought about Bular's current state more seriously. If what Kanjigar said was true then it was only a matter of time before Bular weakens himself to the brink of death unless he starts consuming humans again or... if he is brought to trollmarket and allowed to bask in the life sustaining energy of the Heartstone itself.               

( Meanwhile Bular is in the middle of assembling some of the bridge pieces absent mindedly when he sudden sneezed for no apperant reason) 

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