Chapter 28: Bad Dream

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Happy late 4th of July everybody. Without any further delay here's the next chapter. WARNING: incoming Drama   

* English text                                               * Trollish text 


It has been hours since Vendel told Bular about his upcoming trial with the Troll tribunal. Bular had been staring at the celling in his cot trying to figure out how he was going to address the situation with the the Tribunal or more specially Queen Usurna. On the one hand her loyalty to his father could pose a risk of him being killed for treason if he doesn't land himself a death sentence after the trial. But on the other hand if she wants to maintain her cover among the rest of the tribunal members and the public eye then maybe he can come to some sort of agreement with her to help him live in Trollmarket in peac- 

Bular thoughts were interrupted the second that Borhart started crying. What baffled Bular about the situation was the fact that Borhart was already changed and fed some time ago and shouldn't need anything else for awhile. Bular felt his heart drop when he got up to check on Borhart and saw that Borhart was fussing because he had a nightmare... a nightmare most likely caused by the memories of him abandoning him... just like his mother did that night.    

 Initially Bular felt that he didn't deserve to have Borhart as his son after he left him to be cared for in Kanjigar's hands. But after he talked with Vendel on the second day of his stay he learned just how serious Borhart's condition was and how anyone would feel the same emotions he felt about the difficult situation at the time. He felt somewhat relieved to learn that there was some good that came out of his actions... even if the guilt still haunted him. For awhile Bular had been worried that Borhart had begun to resent him for being left behind for the second time of his life.    

But instead the whelp loves him just as he ever did. Of course the guilt of what he did still plagued his mind. Borhart seemed to settle down for a second when Bular held him ... but of course there was a long way to go before Borhart can move on from the unpleasant memories. Thankfully Borhart had plenty of time to grow up and gain more happy memories that will make that night seem like a bad dream.   

After Borhart realized that he was in his father's arms once again he began to cheer up and snuggled against his father's chest. Borhart was beginning to lull back to sleep after Bular started walking around the room while singing Gumm-gumms come to steal crying whelps, it was Borhart's favorite song ever since Bular first sang it to him.     

Bular sighed as he rocked Borhart back and forth... just as he thought that he was finally free of stress and can move on he now had to worry about passing a trial that would determine if he lives or dies with one of the trolls in charge of  judging his fate being a spy for his father. Despite the long and complicated road that Bular had in front of him, he was more than willing to face the upcoming challenges head on to have the life he wished to have with his son.   

" Rest now Borhart... Papa is going to work hard so that you and I can be a happy family together... just be patient my son ... I promise everything is going to work itself out"   

Bular smiled as he spoke to a now sleeping Borhart nestled in his arms. The thoughts and worries that kept him up had finally left him and now he can finally get some sleep. Bular laid down in his cot with Borhart resting on his chest. For now Bular was at peace with his son and he intended to enjoy the peace and tranquility he had for the time being before the day of his trial came to be.   

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