Chapter 13: Hard... But worth it

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and now we finally get to see Gunmar, even if it's in flashback form. Also, kudos to YokuImmobylen for the stellar artwork if you guys like the fanart check out their Tumblr. I also want to point out that most of the backstory is based on headcanons since we never get to see any flashbacks of Bular's childhood (unfortunately)

*English text                                                  *Trollish text


Bular was having a dream for the first time in a very long time.... about the days of when he was young and with his father. As Bular slept his memories of when he would wake up from nightmares after.... the death of his mother, then his memories took him to the moments where his father would comfort him and hold him in his arms to help him return to sleep.

While Gunmar was seen as cold and heartless to others but to him, his father always cared for him and loved him when he needed it most. Ever since his father's banishment things have become.... difficult for Bular to cope without his father's guidance as his father always seemed to know what to do in life no matter the situation. 

Bular's memories then brought him to what Humans refer to as his teen days when he was a rebellious whelp that thought that he was ready to take on the world as if he knew everything. Bular always thought that it was amusing of how much of a trouble maker he was as a whelp.... then he would feel guilty for causing his father so much trouble back then especially considering how he retained the same stubborn and impulsive nature all the way into adulthood. 

For centuries Bular had always wondered why was his father so tolerant to his behavior and trouble making antics through out his life. Time and time again whenever he and his father had the luxury to be alone with only each others company Bular would take the opportunity to ask his father one simple question, why did he bother caring for him when he caused so much trouble for his father.

" Because my son... it was hard but worth it. And I treasure everything I went through as your father both the good and the bad times"

This was the answer that his father gave him before the battle of Killahead bridge. For the longest time he couldn't understand  the meaning of his father's words no matter how hard he thought. But that had all changed now when he found a small and fragile newborn whelp abandoned out in the dark alley ways of Arcadia Oaks.

The second that Bular was interrupted from his dream as he woke up from his slumber due to the crying of the whelp he realized something... his father despite being the king of the Gumm-gumms had dedicated his time into raising his own son along side his wife even though there were so many struggles in parenting.

 And now he was getting a better grasp of his father's hardships caring a whelp as he went on to change and fed the whelp to get the little one to go back to sleep. But to him despite the immense struggle of trying to care for a whelp while feeling exhausted it didn't bother or annoy him having to put the whelp's needs above his own... Because he felt it was all worth it to see the whelp's happy and sweet little face as he held the little one in his arms. 

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