Chapter 10: Panic

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this entire chapter takes place in Heartstone Trollmarket specifically Kanjigar's P.O.V during the aftermath of a recently discovered scandal

*Warning: mentions of some blood

*English text                       *Trollish text


Everyone in Trollmarket is panicking when news of a young mother abandoning her newborn son somewhere in the streets of Arcadia Oaks and everyone is asking Vendel question after question when it was revealed that the missing child was born from a scandalous affair between a young maiden and one of the elite guards that was accompanying Queen Usurna during her visit to Trollmarket for the upcoming harvest festival.

Kanjigar was trying to get the past the crowd as he made his way to the stairway leading outside in hopes of finding the abandoned whelp as soon as possible before they get discovered by the humans or worse...Kanjigar can still feel his heart beating frantically as he made it outside.

It was all happening so fast one minute he was talking with Vendel about Bular's recent inactivity then the next minute Blinky and Aaarrrgghh barge in bringing an barely conscious young maiden with blood dripping down her legs. By the time Vendel finished treating the young maiden she woke up and introduced herself as Britta then confessed to her sins when Vendel discovered that her bleeding was caused by a tear she got during childbirth.

What makes Britta's situation more complicated other than the fact that she was a young mother who had a child born from wedlock, was the fact that the father of her child was older than her. Queen Usurna arrived to the healing bay to apologize to Britta on the behalf of her now ex elite Guard after she found that he not had a scandalous relationship with Britta  even though he knew he was older than her, but had also been cruel and manipulative to her to the point where he threatened her to get rid of their child before their secret relationship was discover after she told him about their son. 

Sadly for Britta she now had to face the actions of her consequences when word of her own abandonment of her newborn son spread through out Trollmarket, had she simply refused her lover's demands and confessed to what she did while taking responsibility as a mother to a child born from wedlock the repercussions wouldn't have been so severe.

 but instead of doing so she chose to abandon her whelp out on the surface some where in the town of arcadia not only leaving her child to die shortly after being born without her care but also essentially risking the exposure of troll kind to the humans of Arcadia Oaks if anyone found her child before Kanjigar can make it to the alley first.

Kanjigar kept running and running as he made his way through the streets of Arcadia while staying hidden in the shadows in hopes of making it to the alley that Britta told him where she left her son before the whelp perishes from starvation or exposure to the elements.

Kanjigar was devastated when he saw that the dumpster that Britta had left her whelp in was empty presumable due to the human " garbage trucks " emptying it as it was almost early morning. He felt as if he failed his duty as the Trollhunter to protect all of troll kind thinking that the whelp had died completely unaware of the fact that a certain Gumgum prince had already found the whelp before he could and had taken the whelp into his care before the dumpster was emptied.

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