Chapter 1 : Envy part 1

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   this is it. the first official chapter and it takes place in a time skip i hope y'all enjoy it

* English text                              * trollish text


* present-day- Arcadia Oaks*

it's been 900 years since the Battle of Killahead Bridge. Bular had killed Deya long ago and many of the Trollhunters after her as a form of repentance towards the trolls that betrayed him and his father the second they refused to accept their offer to fight back against the humans who were taking what was rightfully theirs. And now thanks to them the surface lands had been taken by the humans while troll kind had to resort to hiding in underground cities and hide their existence from the humans up above.

Bular scoffed at their cowardice and despised them for not only letting the humans take what  rightfully belonged to troll kind but for also sealing his father and the rest of the Gumgum kingdom and shattering the Killahead bridge to scatter the pieces all across the globe so that the portal to the darklands can never be opened ever again. Little do those goodie two shoes know, Bular  was assembling the found pieces of the bridge from some reluctant help from the changelings. Bular never bothered to interact with them socially for the simple fact that all Changelings were impures that were below him no below trollkind. 

Bular was begrudgingly half listening to the changeling Stricklander informing him about the pieces of the bridge being sent on there way here when his mind started to wander. The Bridge wasn't even assembled yet all the progress that he had to show for the past centuries. Were the boxes packed with the pieces of the very bridge that took his father away from him. And yet the impure insisted that they should wait until they can get a secure location to assemble it.  

Bular almost missed hearing Stricklander telling him that he was done with his status report and gladly left to go hunting before the changeling forced him to listen to another menial ramble. Bular decided to go search for something decent to eat by scouring the streets for any stray humans that wander around at this time of night. Then he saw it the perfect prey, a lone man on the side walk. Bular was making sure that he stuck to the shadows of the alley way as he creeped closer and closer to the unfortunate flesh bag that made the mistake of exposing himself to the dangers of the night. Bular was just about to pounce on the unsuspecting man and turn him into his next meal when he heard shouting.

" Daddy" 

 Bular hid himself back into the shadows as he watched a Human child shout out towards the man and run into the flesh bags arms. Then he saw a woman approaching the man and child ... for some reason he just froze in place as he watched the human family interacting with each other as a unknown feeling tugging at his heart. Bular continued to watch as the family left possibly to return to their domical for the night. He could have just attacked the three right then and there for the convince of a free meal ... but his body wouldn't let him move and his mind felt uneasy at the idea of ... of killing this family.

Bular thought it would be better to go search somewhere else for food to forget what he had just seen. He was Bular the Butcher he didn't care for lowly flesh bags or their pathetic lives and despised their kind... but at the same time there was a very small part of him that made him wish he had something that those humans had that he didn't but why. 

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