Chapter 25: Reunion

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 For context, this chapter takes place in a time skip entirely in Bular's P.O.V. I would also like to apologize for the delay in chapter 25's release ( headaches are a writer's second worst enemy). I also wanted to give you guys a heads-up that this chapter has more dialogue compared to the others 

*English text                                     * Trollish text


Bular groaned as he woke up... inside of THE HEARTSTONE. Bular grimaced in pain when he felt his stab wound acting up, forcing him to lie back down. As Bular tried to regain his thoughts and figure out why he was inside of the Heartstone of Trollmarket instead of the woods when his attention was drawn towards the small weight he felt on his chest.  

" B...b... Borhart... is that ... really you" 

Bular was momentarily frozen in shock to see Borhart happily resting on his chest. It felt like a floodgate had burst as Bular wrapped his arms around Borhart and pull him closer to his face  

" My little whelp... look at you... you've gotten so big now... I'm so proud of you... I'm... I'm so sorry for leaving you behind "

Bular couldn't stop himself from crying as he held... his whelp tightly in his arms. For the first time in a long time Bular felt that all of his pain and sorrow had left him as he took a good look at Borhart and saw how healthy he looked. Borhart Happily chirped when Bular cupped his sweet little face in his hand, He also noticed that Borhart looked more plump then he once was before... It was bittersweet for Bular to see that Borhart was healthier during his time in Trollmarket compared to the time that Borhart spent under his care. 

" I never would of imagined that I would live to see the day that Bular the Butcher cried let alone see him become so over joyed to have a whelp in his arms"  

Bular felt his heart drop when he heard Kanjigar's voice. Out of paternal instinct Bular wrapped his arms  around Borhart's body and growled at Kanjigar when he saw the trollhunter sitting at a chair across from him. 

" There's no need to fret Bular, I assure you I mean you nor your whelp any harm. I'm just here to keep an eye on you and Borhart while you were unconscious"   

Bular felt a little at ease. As he looked at his surroundings he noticed that he wasn't wearing his usual kilt and that all of his wounds have been bandaged. Feeling uneasy, Bular held Borhart in the crook of his arm as he spoke " why am I here and more Importantly how am I still alive ... If this is some sick joke for you to keep me alive long enough for you to execute me in front of everyone in Trollmarket then---" 

Kaniigar Shushed Bular mid sentence before he spoke. " Bular I didn't bring down to Trollmarket to execute you... I brought you down here to save your life and give you a chance to join us and live here in Trollmarket... I'm sure your aware of Aarghaumont's situation after your last encounter with each other " Bular used his free hand to stroke the tip of his horn as he recalled the night Aargau... Aaarrrgghh broke his horn and defecte from his father's army.     

Kanjigar explained to Bular in full detail that he wishes to give him a chance to live in Trollmarket with Borhart under the condition that he defects from his father's army and takes a similar pacifist that Aaarrrggh took when he defected. Bular felt conflicted, on the one hand he didn't want to leave behind everything he knew including his father especially now that he was so close to freeing his father and the rest of his kind from the Darklands... but on the other hand ... He was tired... As much as he didn't want to admit it he was tired, it's been 900 years since his father and the rest of his tribe have been banished to the Darklands. 

Bular wanted a family again... he was so desperate to not be alone anymore he told himself that he should focus on nothing else except freeing his father. But after he found Borhart, he felt like he wasn't alone anymore... and he didn't want to make the same mistake he made when he let Borhart go.  

" If i agree to your terms... will I truly be able to raise Borhart as my own son"

Kanjigar placed his hand on Bular's shoulder then spoke " It will be an... adjustment for you and the denizens of Trollmarket to have you living here. But if you give it time and with our help I'm sure that you'll be able to start a life down here with your son"   

Bular looked down at Borhart, for the first time in weeks the hole in his heart felt like it was filled when he laid eyes on Borhart's form in his arms. He then remembered the words his father told him about parenting.

"Because my son... it was hard... but worth it. And I treasure everything I went through as your father both the good and the bad times "

Bular's decision was going to be hard on him, his father, and the rest of his tribe... But it will be worth it if it meant that he could finally have everything that he longed for after centuries of waiting. Bular held his hand out for Borhart and watched as his little one held onto his finger with a tiny hand... just like he did the first time he held Borhart in his arms. With a fire of determination in his eye Bular gave Kanjigar his answer 

" If it means I can watch my little one grow up in a happy and healthy environment... then yes. I'll defect from the Gumm-gumm army and from my father...for Borhart"  

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