Chapter 4: Apathy

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WARNING: This chapter contains some depictions of depression so feel free to skip certain parts of this chapter if you feel uncomfortable with these topics 

I also want to point out that this chapter takes place around the same time as episode 1 of the original series BUT WITH A TWIST

                                      *English text                                            *Trollish text


* this part of the chapter mentions depression so if you don't feel comfortable with this topic skip it*

Everything felt empty to Bular now. Whenever Stricklander gave him status reports he just absently shrugged and told the impure to keep doing what he was doing, much to the Changelings confusion seeing the dark prince acting out of character. 

Bular stopped caring about his image as the man eating Gumgum warrior that he had built his identity around and lost the motivation to hunt for humans at night and had been... relatively surviving off of whatever scraps and refuses he can find in his lair or around the alleys adjacent to the old factory if he felt like eating. 

He also stopped sleeping for the past few weeks and only rested if his body collapsed due to his exhaustion. even now he looked almost dead with heavy bags under his dimly lit eyes and he can tell that he was getting thinner by the day.

*this is the end of the chapter mentioning themes of depression the rest of the chapter doesn't technically have topics of depression in it but it is still sad *

 He knew that it was a matter of time before the changelings stop fearing him as he saw the looks in their eyes when they saw how the Dark prince was becoming more sad and pathetic as time went on. He didn't even care that the members  of the Janus order have started to gossip about him behind his back when they think he can't hear them. 

It didn't matter in the end as he believed that even his own father had lost faith in him since it has been 900 years since the battle of Killahead Bridge and yet he had made no progress in freeing his father and the rest of  his kind from the Darklands other than acquiring some pieces of the bridge and Stricklander informing him that they would start assembling the bridge in the Arcadia Oaks history museum. 

If he wasn't a failure he would have freed his father and the rest of their soldiers from the Darklands much sooner and taken over the surface by now.

Bular walked around the streets of Arcadia oaks during the late hours of the night hoping to find some solace with the help of some fresh air... then he saw the Trollhunter doing his nightly patrol as per usual, just like the other Trollhunters that he had killed in the past. He could charge atr Kanjigar and fight him to the death just he had done before but what's the point in doing that if the amulet was going to select another hapless troll to taking on the title and burdens of being Merlin's champion for him to have another fight with...

" you better be grateful that I'm giving you rest from our conflict... just this one time"    Bular said as he turned around and left not noticing or caring about the fact that Kanjigar had spotted him and became utterly confused when he realized that Bular wasn't going after him.

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