Chapter 17: Struggles

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Hey guys sorry if I haven't posted a chapter in a while I've been busy with work and school. in this chapter, Bular starts to struggle with parenting and develop doubts about his future with the whelp. PS, I plan on revealing the whelp's name in time but for now, I want to save that reveal for the future. ( and yes another Toby Fox song you get the drill by now)

* English Text                                                 * Trollish Text


* a few weeks later around the same time that "A Recipe Of Disaster" takes place*

" Please, please go to sleep little one"

Bular was at his wits end trying to get the whelp to stop crying. Ever since the whelp became one month old, He started to cry during his naps or during the day as if he was having nightmares. Today was no exception as Bular tried everything that he could think of to get the whelp to go back to sleep when his mother's lullaby no longer worked.

 He tried that he could think of from trying to sing other songs he has heard of in the past, Walking around inside of his hideout with the whelp in his arms , He even tried to consult some parenting books that he ordered the goblins to steal for him from the Arcadia Oaks Library last night.

But alas, Every single attempt to get the whelp to go to sleep outside of waiting for the whelp to tired himself out has failed. As Bular looked over at the whelp's tiny body he noticed something concerning. While the whelp had grown bigger over the past month, Bular noticed how thin the whelp seemed despite being fed milk formula regularly...

Deep down in Bular's mind he knew the exact reason for the whelp's poor state and there were only two solutions to this problem either feed the whelp some human flesh or at least have him drink some blood... or return the whelp to Trollmarket so that the whelp can be rejuvenated by the Heartstone itself. 

Both options seemed unfeasible to Bular as of right now for starters the whelp is still too young to eat or drink anything besides milk... or in this case formula. Then came the issue as to how could Bular return the whelp to Trollmarket, even if he could some how figure out how to get past the barrier spell that made it impossible for to use a horngazel. If he had one there was the other issue as to how would he be able to sneak inside of Trollmarket... for some reason Bular felt a pain in his heart at the mere mention of returning the whelp to Trollmarket.

" I know, I know it's okay it was just a bad dream, It's okay I'm here... I'm here... I'm... I'm not going anywhere"

 After Bular collapsed into his throne he held the whelp close to his chest where his heart was as he rubbed circles on the whelps back in a vain hope that it would provide the whelp some comfort from his nightmare.  If there was one troll that Bular hated the most besides the trollhunters of the past in this exact moment, that would be the whelp's birth mother no questions asked. After all she was the one that abandoned her own newborn son and left him to potentially die just a little while after she gave birth to the whelp. 

And now thanks to her selfish decision, her whelp was now suffering the consequences  of her actions at such a young and vulnerable age... like... like how Aaarrrgghh must have suffered when he was taken from his home in the Krubera caves and tortured during his training through out his childhood to become the ruthless soldier that he once was... until he made the choice to run away from that life for good. 

Bular was now starting to feel guilt and pity for the trolls that were hurt by him, His father, And the rest of the Gumm-gumm kingdom as he rocked the whelp back and forth in his arms thinking about how they to had to suffer the consequences of the actions that he and the rest of his kind have made in the name of liberating troll kind from the tyranny of the human race. Even if he and his father had good intentions in the past, both they and the rest of the Gumm-gumm kingdom strayed off that path as time went on.

With all of this in mind it led Bular to ask himself one question that weighed heavy in his mind. 

" What gives him the right to raise this whelp as if he was his own when he caused so much pain and misery in the past " 

This question kept repeating itself in Bular's mind through out the rest of the day as the whelp finally settled down...  but even after the whelp fell asleep it didn't help Bular feel any better, If anything he was only felt much worse then he did earlier before 

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