Family Matters

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It was six o'clock and we all set off for the campgrounds. I wanted to ride in the van with my mom, grandma, and grandpa, so the other's followed us.

We pull in and I feel very anxious. Not everyone in my family are happy campers. Read: Some are depressing hags. Read: crazy aunts. Everyone's got one of those, right?

HOLY HELL!!!!! I just thought of something spectacular! I WILL have Damon compel her to stop being such an ahole! Damon better do it too. Haha! I laughed to myself. This is marvelous!

I have a big family, so the intro's take a bit of time. My friends kind of scattered around, chatting up different members of my family, and I'm kind of in the middle of it. Damon sticks by my side as I tell him my secret plans for compulsion. He raises his eyebrows. He's into the idea. But it will come later. Right now, we feast.

The food was alright, and everyone seemed to be in a good mood. I glance over and notice that my aunt was acting moody. Time for action. I tell Damon to compel her to stop being so rude and have a happier attitude from now on. No more negativity. He does it in secret and suddenly she's chipper and everyone isn't surprised. She was always so bipolar.

His name is Damon.Where stories live. Discover now