On my own!

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I should have known it better because I watched Ivonne fall and not only that but I grabbed her so that she wouldn't fall down. Her skin was ice cold. It felt not natural at all but that was not my fault nor had it anything to do with me at all. 

Me: Never run towards a nobel. You might get slapped because of this rude behaviour not to mention that you shouldn't just grab or touch someone without permission.

Ivonne: I.. I am sorry...

Me: You may not know a lot but it is stil common sense to not just go and grab anyone. 

Ivonne: I am really sorry.

She once again reached out as if she wanted to shake my hand or something else. I don't know and I really didn't get this conversation at all. Why was I scolding her? No, I was not doing that, I was also not angry nor screaming at her at all but why did I feel soo angry seeing her? Was this even anger?

The more I thought about it the less I could understand myself.

Me: Now leave me alone.

When I said that, I could hear someone scream my name from the side and I could see Reynold there. Not only did he seem angry but he had a sword on his hip which made me nervous. There were a million things that could happen right now and I didn't liked a single one of them.

Reynold: No wonder everyone hates you and treat you that way when you behave like that,

Me: Pardon?

Reynold: How many times did you strike her?

Me: None-

Reynold: Don't lie!

Me: Look at her cheek and tell me that again! 

Ivonne: I-

Me: Ivonne, tell your brother what happened. 

Reynold: You're intimidating her!

Me: Well if I say the truth, you won't believe me.

Ivonne: I ran after her and tripped. Penelope helped me up.

Me: See, now leave me alone and get her to a medic!

That was all I said or basically screamed before running away. I don't know why I was running but I was. I hated this situation and the more he would get agitated the higher the chances that he would have hit me or even used that sword. I was scared to the bones to when I saw him. It felt as if he had caught me sneaking away and as if something bad would happen. All this was just chocking me. It was hard to breath under these circumstances and I even felt as if someone was intentionally closing up the rope around my neck.

How long till I would end up dead?

How long till anyone would come at me, falsly accusing me?

I am tired of this!

By now I am just sitting here and waiting for my death while each and every day I would fear for my life!

This was not how I wanted to live at all. I never intended to be here and stay until Ivonne came back.

The bracelet!

I still have that from Derrick...

I should be able to get away from here with that....

But what if they find me?

What then?

I look liked Derrick when he was small if I use that... and then?

There is no escape from here?

Where should I run once I am out?

What if they are searching for me?

What if the plot worsens?

Questions over Questions were flowing in my head and I was getting more and more scared about the answers. No matter how I would look at it, death was literally the only ending awaiting me. Besides I wouldn't be able to live with this feeling. How was I even supposed to go on? I was scared for my life the whole time and until now I had a chance to survive with Eckless but he was the one bringing Ivonne back not Winter! He betrayed me! There was no other way anymore. I put everything on one card and I lost that very card!

What was I now supposed to do?

Wait till I die?

No... I couldn't!

This feeling!

No... .I was feeling as if the air itself was poisoned and every step I was taking felt like I had some concrete boots on. This couldn't be life! No, no one could call my life a life! I was living in misery and my life was in danger now more than ever!

However.... the truth was.... this sinking feeling was worse than knowing my tragic fate....

It was only a question of time till I would completly shatter.

For now... I was barely hold on... no... to tell the truth... I was already lost.

I ran and ran until I couldn't and even fell. Reynold was running behind me for a bit but seemed to have stopped which I was really glad for. I needed to be alone and so I looked around and just found a tree I could climb to get somewhere up and just be there. The ground was cold and people would find me easier there than up here. Besides this feeling of a bottomless pit seemed to be quite accurately to my situation considering I climbed a tree with some high heels and of course my hands were bleeding as I managed to cut myself. The pain itself... was non existant... all I felt was a deep deep sadness which made me cry again. I thought I had no tears left....oh how wrong I was for sure. 

Just like that I cried myself to sleep once again as I felt all the energy draining from my body.

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