Back to the rabbit whole I go!

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I was brought back to the mansion where I met not only Ivonne but also the duke. It seems as if he doesn't know what exactly had happened but I didn't really care as all I wanted was to get back to my room and be all alone.

Duke: Penelope-

Me: Can we talk late. I am quite tired.

Duke: Of course.... let me-

Me: I know where my place is. No need to follow me.

I was quite cold and I knew this but could anyone blame me? Especially when Ivonne was there but it seems as if this girl didn't really get the clue as she came running towards me and then clung to me as well.

Ivonne: I am so sorry if I did any-

Me: Hands off.

Ivonne: I know I am the intrude-

Me: Hands. Off.

Ivonne: I never wanted to-


The last time I repeated myself, I not only shoved her to the ground but also looked quite coldly towards her. This was all a bit too much for me. Derrick and Reynold came immedaitely rushing towards us. Reynold came to Ivonne and Derrick came to my side which was quite interesting but the real deal was the duke who was angry in an instant.


Me: Hah.... excuse myself.

I literally bowed before the duke and everyone else before ignoring what was going on and get back to my room. Even if I say I was ignoring it all, I was in fact still hearing what they were saying. No one could just walk off there and not hear anything at all. 

Duke: PEN-

Derrick: Father, can I have a word with you.

Reynold: You should hear us out.

Duke: This is no -

Derrick: She threw herself off the churches bell tower.

Duke: What?

Reynold: We came just in time as well.... 

Duke: Call a doctor immediately.

This was all I heard before I was finally out of the scene and started walking more and more to my room or the room that they had given me. I really didn't liked this room nor did I wanted to stay in there. However there was one thing I liked about this room and it was that one blanket which was very fluffy that I liked in there. So I basically came into the room and grabbed the blanket before walking out and right into my maid.

Maid: Ma-

Me: I want to be alone.

Maid: Bu-

Me: I'll be laying outside in the sun. Please....

Maid: I will get everything arranged.

She rushed right passt me and seemed to grab some stuff before she started to run to my side again and then smiled. 

Maid: Alright, let me show you to a nice place.

Me: Thank you.

I needed to be alone and that room was poison for me. The only other option was to be outside since I hated all these walls inside. Thankfully my maid did actually do what I wanted and the thing she took from that room behind me was another blanket which she put right on the grass once we got outside so I could lay down. I know this was not lady like but the warmth and the sun which was now a bit higher on the sky was just soothing. I had after all think what I would do from now on. 

One thing was for sure... I was not gonna stay in that house for any minute at all.

Nor was I about to go with Callisto if this crazy bastard was about to appear.

If Winter was doing any weird shit with a bunny, I would burn it for sure.

And Eckles?

There was no way I wanted to see that man right now at all.

This is making me crazy.... I am back at the house which treated me like an animal....

What should I do here?

I can't stand that room...

I can't stand look into the peoples eyes....

They all know what is gonna happen...

They will one day kill me.

The more I was thinking about what was happening the more I felt like throwing up. I was back in the middle of everything. There was nothing that was actually saving me now. My doom was already heading my way and thinking about it made me cry. I was glad that my maid gave me some time and didn't rush to me the moment she saw me cry because right now, I had absolutely no idea how I was about to react at all.

I don't want to be here!


Someone get me out of here....

My tears stopped at some point and I was just laying there looking at the sky thinking about nothing at all. 


Besides I was trying my best not to end up actually losing my mind completly. My feelings were a mix of everything bad and nothing good in it at all but what was worse, was that I felt as if I was being raised to be slaughtered like a well fed pig. In my case a rich girl with nothing but her life on the line. No one cared about me and that was the most scariest part of it all. I was all alone. No one would come to my rescue but all of them would kill me instead.

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